Related: About this forumNext Xbox will use persistent ’Net connection to block used games
"A new report from insider sources suggests that Microsoft's next video game console will require a persistent Internet connection to lock out second-hand games from being played on the system.
Edge is citing "sources with first-hand experience of Microsoft's next generation console" saying that games for the system will be available via download or as Blu-ray discs with a capacity of up to 50GB. The disc-based games will reportedly all ship with an activation code tying the game to a single user account, making the disc essentially worthless on the second-hand market.
Reports that Microsoft would use some method to stifle the secondhand game market on its next console first surfaced over a year ago, though this report is one of the strongest indications that such a system would require an Internet connection. Tying the system to the Internet would limit the next Xbox's potential reach, but maybe not as much as you might thinka 2010 study found that only 27 percent of Xbox 360s weren't connected to the Internet, and that number has likely declined in the years since."
If this is true, there is zero chance of me ever getting one of the new Xbox's.

(59,305 posts)do this, I'm going to abandon the next gen.
(4,261 posts)I'll stick to PC gaming... oh wait they do it too. Kinda sucks all round.
(121 posts)I'm skeptical if Microsoft will do the same.
(1,407 posts)Many of my games are secondhand. I wanted to play Oblivion so bad I bought a used copy of it for $10. If I can't do that anymore, fuck Microsoft.
Response to Ohio Joe (Original post)
pauldemmd195j Message auto-removed
(844 posts)I think it's stupid. I'm always trading games and selling and Buying used games on eBay. Although I prefer my ps3 to Xbox. But with this policy I probably won't get the next xbox
(706 posts)suffering_succotash
(1 post)Unfortunately, I'm a huge fan of the Halo franchise, and it looks like they will sucking me into buying this console too. But I don't think I'll be buying any more than one or two games if each game is gonna permanently remain more than sixty dollars. Maybe if they implemented a system like Steam. Still, this will be a huge disappointing. I only play most games buy renting or borrowing from the library.
(39,191 posts)I KNOW from a friend who works for them more than half their revenues come from used games. Microsoft just can't stop dipping their fingers in everybody's pockets since Win 8 sucks so bad. And EVERYTHING I read about the new Xbox is it's shit, not even close to a borderline PC with a good graphics card.
Assholes, simply assholes.
(135,425 posts)They ought to be ashamed of themselves--all they're doing is asking--nay, pleading with-- people to re-engineer the games, find a work-around, and do it illegally.
there will be a work around/crack.
(14,040 posts)I can't imagine that Microsoft could get away with this without it hurting their sales.
(24,096 posts)I was going to reapply to Netflix as a friend's subscription that we were using up was over. Apparently only on xBox is there an additional fee besides the Netflix fee of about $8 a month - xBox Gold membership is also required to read Netflix for some gawdawful reason that Netflix has nothing to do with. the Playstation and other consoles do not require additional fees in this case. It's just fucking Microsoft.
(135,425 posts)ZombieHorde
(29,047 posts)I guess I would not be able to do that with a new Xbox. So lame.