Related: About this forumPass on your tip-trick to better handwriting.
Mine: write tall and narrow. For some reason, handwriting looks untidy with it too spaced out.

(25,577 posts)Neoma
(10,039 posts)I'm trying to get better at it since I didn't have a formal education. I got points off for my handwriting before in another college...
(25,577 posts)It is a lifelong pursuit.
And nothing has a bigger impact on people than a hand written thank you or congratulatory note in the business world.
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)What College did you go to?
MSSU, writing, save for notes, was not a thing. It was either typed or it was multiple choice tests. It was a wide belief that writing with pen and/or pencil was/is going the way of the quill, so better to get the students prepared to do all on electronics.
(10,039 posts)You'd type/print as much as you could, but typically you'd only have pencil and paper for some of the homework that has to be written on the worksheets. Plus English class. There was only one person with a laptop to take notes by and that was a huge annoyance with the teacher. There were in-class quizzes you had to do in class also.
(24,740 posts)well, except for, maybe, a doctor's script style. If you value beautiful handwriting, a calligraphy pen is a godsend. You can buy a set at Office Depot that includes a pen, an assortment of various-sized nibs, & ink cartridges. For regular handwriting, use the nib size that is attached to the pen in the picture:
(8,217 posts)I have chancery cursive as my default writing style.
(24,740 posts)I do, but I always tell them, "It's the pen." I let them use it, tell them to turn the nib at a 45-degree angle, & they always seem to want one for themselves.
It is awesome sauce!
(12,051 posts)practice loops, circles, hills, etc., on manuscript paper. When we were able to produce very uniform specimens of each of the practice items, we then translated that into individual letters, and then to entire words. Maybe that would work?
As for my adult self, I have noticed that I produce much nicer handwriting when I make a point to concentrate on forming letters correctly. In notetaking that's a bit hard to do, but it helped me produce something I could actually decipher after the fact.
(10,039 posts)Then had to teach myself... But the main thing was that they only covered half of the cursive alphabet in 3rd grade...
(154,021 posts)<----- type all I can.
(3,709 posts). . . are unable to read OR write anything written in cursive---because they've never been taught any handwriting skills beyond kindergarten and/or first-grade printing! My 17-year-old granddaughter and her friends are at a loss to read something as simple as their mothers' grocery lists when written in longhand.
Believe me, Neoma: Your wish to improve your own handwriting is admirable!