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(23,156 posts)I've done it the past two years and really like what I wind up accomplishing. Interestingly enough, in the middle of the month last year, I got side-tracked into writing a short story which has become the basis for another novel. I have not yet completed the first draft on that one.
But I do have an ideal of what I could try to write this time around.
(609 posts)Ironically, even though I'm moving to Iowa near the end of the month, I should have more free time to dedicate to the project. I have a full outline, character sheets, and a fresh idea.
Oswego "but honestly, it'll be a stretch getting it to 50K" Atheist
(11,619 posts)I want to try my hand at a braided novel...
Seems like a good time.
(23,156 posts)What's that.
I'm picturing something quite strange, and probably not at all what you mean.
(11,619 posts)of three or more primary viewpoint characters, with equal emphasis on each storyline and scenes from each storyline intermingled. It is character driven rather than plot driven.
I especially like Cristina Garcia's The lady Matador's Hotel or David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas.
I especially like the Lady Matador's Hotel, becaus these main characters are all the same hotel for the same week, and their story lines cross, like a braid but the real structure is how they react in the world they inhabit. Garcia's novel is only 57,000 words, so I could write a similar novel at a pace of 1800 words a day.
Cloud Atlas is now a Movie on my must see list. The braid in the novel is discovering how these different characters in different era's are related.
(23,156 posts)I'd never heard that term before, and I haven't read either of the two you mentioned, but I have read books like that.
(8,655 posts)You follow two to four separate story lines (depending on how you define separate) which come crashing together in the end.
It's a fascinating technique. But I'm guessing it's riskier as a writer. You'd have to craft those separate plot lines in a very enchanting way or you will lose your readers after about chapter 3.
(11,619 posts)They would have three of four cases running, usually not even related. It was the relationships between the characters that held those episodes together.
I convess, it is a bit experimental. I think this is a venue that allows me to take it out for a test drive.
(2,104 posts)I made a half ass attempt a year or so ago and wanted to try to do better.
Been kicking around an idea I've had for a long time in my head and had some good thoughts recently I've yet to put to the paper so to speak I hope I can get it down and sustain it.
(9,463 posts)to see if there was a discussion of NaNoWriMo and as soon as I saw your subject line I knew it was going to be post about NaNoWriMo, lol.
I have had a couple of NaNoWriMo false starts. Last year I was traveling for part of November and was unable to make it work. The year before I actually started the month but there was a major interruption and the effort was abandoned. Things are different this year. For the first time in years I think November is going to be quiet enough for me to participate. Another difference this year is that NaNoWriMo isn't sneaking up on me like I usually allow it to do. Also, I have a story idea firmly developed in my head in a popular genre full of fans ready to snap up the latest story. I will use NaNoWriMo as the launching pad for the first in a six-part series for digital publication on Kindle, etc.
Indeed, I am not only ready for NaNoWriMo this time, I've even come up with a pseudonym and secured both Twitter and Facebook author pages as well as a registered domain. These will be the marketing channels for my NaNoWriMo effort.
All that's left to do now is to spend the remainder of this month researching, planning, and preparing for Nov 1. I plan to begin at 12am. 50,000 words. Whooo-boy!
(8,655 posts)I have always wanted to do NaNoWriMo, but large parts of every November are traditionally spent on family activities that preclude writing.
This year, there are still major interruptions on the schedule, but I'm feeling motivated enough I might just be able to make 50,000 despite it.
(609 posts)Good luck everyone, and don't forget to check in and brag about your word counts!
Oswego "00000" Atheist