Related: About this forumAnyone waiting for the next round in the ABNA?
I made it past the pitch stage, again, with the same pitch. Last year I didn't make it past the quarterfinals, when they actually read part of your book, but I got two nice reviews, both of which said they wanted to read more. I'm just hoping to get to the stage where you get a Publishers Weekly review, which is the semifinals. The quarterfinalists will be announced next Tuesday (3/20). Anyone else in this?

(12,263 posts)That is exciting that you made it past the pitch phase. I entered, but I didn't get out of the pitches. Good luck to you! I hope you win!
(13,182 posts)It has nothing to do with the quality of the book, just your, or someone else's, ability to write pitches. I wonder how many people wrote great books but less-than-riveting pitches... besides yourself, of course. If you ever need help with your pitch, just ask me.
(12,263 posts)I'm really bad at pitches and because I had an agent for 10 years I didn't have to worry about it. Or, maybe I should have worried as our relationship remained fruitless. I feel so much better about myself now that I'm indie again and I'm more productive than I've been for a long time. I'm glad you've made good progress in the ABNA competition and am excited for you. It would be so cool if you won! Fingers crossed.
(13,182 posts)I'm envious you had an agent. I can't even get one to so much as send me a rejection. I got a very positive Kirkus review (not a star like Nolabear's but we can't all be brilliant) and I'm hoping that might make agents at least notice my submission (a word that means all its definitions in this case).
(12,263 posts)by an agent in the contest. It's better to have an agent find you than it is for you to find an agent.
(53,235 posts)nuxvomica
(13,182 posts)I think the judges go for flashy, needy pitches.
(13,182 posts)I really didn't expect it. I didn't make the quarters last year. I told my co-workers I'd buy them lunch tomorrow if I made it. Then I checked and realized I have to buy them lunch tomorrow.
(12,263 posts)Congratulations!
Next step, Top 50! You're getting there!
(13,182 posts)I still can't believe it got this far.
(53,235 posts)nuxvomica
(13,182 posts)Check your PMs.