True Crime
Related: About this forumRomney's 2016 Achilles Heel is Fraud, Colm Connolly & Laser Haas
Apparently, there are (purported) legal minds among us here at DU; who give their loyalty to other places 1st. They wouldn't dare - EVER - publicly say a bad word about Goldman Sachs, Bain Capital and/or Willard Mitt Romney. Far better rewards for joining the dark side and helping oligarch Robber Baron's beat up on indigent victims.
Who knows - you too can become a Romney brown noser and get filthy rich.
In spite of all the banter to the contrary, of judge's ruling all across the country - that Romney & his (RICO) gangs are lord - and yours truly is an insignificant amoeba;
the truth be told - I've got Pitten's by the proverbials!
A bunch of disingenuous persons claiming to be lawyers, follow me around, on my postings, constantly barking I'm not an attorney (no {c}hit) and then they say I don't have a case; because the courts don't say I have one. They aren't telling the truth and refuse to address any allegations straight on.
Romney's Achilles Heel is the time period 1999 to 2001 - and eToys.
More specifically, The Learning Company, Kay Bee, Stage Stores and (just to name a few). These are cases he has to continue to lie about and WILL continue to lie about; in order for him to become POTUS in 2016. Make NO mistake, he who dreamed of riding a white horse into the White House said he had "The Vision" (after all - Mitt believes he's going to be a g0d someday).
His problem remains (retroactively) - to be Colm Connolly, eToys and yours truly.
MNAT is eToys attorney. Unfortunately for Mitt, MNAT is also his attorney, Bain Capital and Goldman Sachs too. Paul Traub is also Romney's counsel at Stage Stores. working under Barry Gold, who worked for Michael Glazer.
Romney=Bain Cap=MNAT=Goldman Bee=Paul Traub=Stage Stores=Michael Glazer & Barry Gold.
There's already irrefutable corroboration that Michael Glazer knows how to take a bribe and make Mitt happy. Just look at
Matt Taibbi's September 2012 Rolling Stone cover story "Greed and Debt" a True Story of Romney & Bain Cap. Taibbi retells what I told him about Kay Bee fraud - this way;
What the big deal is - Michael Glazer paid this "dividend" to himself and Romney's Bain Cap; and then followed it up with filing bankruptcy of Kay Bee. How long would you or I last, if we bought into a company, took out millions and then filed bankruptcy?
I'm just sayin.........
Stage Stores Fraud as Explained by Matt Taibbi
This one I have to give credit to Matt's team on their own. Taibbi had cancelled our conference call and went to press before we discussed all of these issues. It is a shame; because there's (was) a Pulitzer Prize waiting in the wings for Taibbi. Unfortunately, it's not all his fault - after all - he doesn't control the presses.
Here's what Taibbi said about Stage Stores;
Romney was right in the middle of this radical change. In fact, according to The Boston Globe whose in-depth reporting on Romney and Bain has spanned three decades one of Romney's first LBO deals, and one of his most profitable, involved Mike Milken himself. Bain put down $10 million in cash, got $300 million in financing from Milken and bought a pair of department-store chains, Bealls Brothers and Palais Royal. In what should by now be a familiar outcome, the two chains which Bain merged into a single outfit called Stage Stores filed for bankruptcy protection in 2000 under the weight of more than $444 million in debt. As always, Bain took no responsibility for the company's demise. (If you search the public record, you will not find a single instance of Mitt Romney taking responsibility for a company's failure.) Instead, Bain blamed Stage's collapse on "operating problems" that took place three years after Bain cashed out, finishing with a $175 million return on its initial investment of $10 million.
But here's the interesting twist: Romney made the Bealls-Palais deal just as the federal government was launching charges of massive manipulation and insider trading against Milken and his firm, Drexel Burnham Lambert. After what must have been a lengthy and agonizing period of moral soul-searching, however, Romney decided not to kill the deal, despite its shady financing. "We did not say, 'Oh, my goodness, Drexel has been accused of something, not been found guilty,' " Romney told reporters years after the deal. "Should we basically stop the transaction and blow the whole thing up?"
In an even more incredible disregard for basic morality, Romney forged ahead with the deal even though Milken's case was being heard by a federal district judge named Milton Pollack, whose wife, Moselle, happened to be the chairwoman of none other than Palais Royal. In short, one of Romney's first takeover deals was financed by dirty money and one of the corporate chiefs about to receive a big payout from Bain was married to the judge hearing the case. Although the SEC took no formal action, it issued a sharp criticism, complaining that Romney was allowing Milken's money to have a possible influence over "the administration of justice."
What Taibbi Missed - in cancelling his August 2012 conference call with Laser Haas.
- Michael Glazer was a Director at Stage Stores too
- Glazer is now the CEO of Stage Stores - Barry Gold was the "Director's assistant" at Stage Stores
- Paul Traub's TBF law firm was hired for Stage, by Barry Gold
- Barry and Paul own Asset Disposition Advisors (ADA)
- ADA works the Kay Bee Toys bankruptcy (illegally)
- MNAT represents Bain Cap in the $100 million Kay Bee Fraud - Paul Traub asked to be the prosecutor of Glazer and Bain $100 million

Strange thingy is - I did tell Matt Taibbi about Colm Connolly. Rolling Stone decided to get rid of eToys, Laser Haas, Colm Connolly (and - said to say - Matt Taibbi).
MNAT from 1999 to August 2001 partner -is Colm Connolly
Want to know why this particular attorney at law is so awesome a piece of evidence? Real Simple! Mitt claims to be "retroactively" retired from Bain Capital as CEO, in August 2001; back to February 11, 1999. That just so happens to be the same exact time that Colm Connolly was a MNAT partner. Before then, Connolly was the Assistant U.S. Attorney in Delaware.
After August 2, 2001 - Colm Connolly was THE Delaware United States Attorney!
For 7 years, we kept giving proof of eToys, Kay Bee, The Learning Company and Stage Stores frauds to the Delaware United States Attorney's office. Not once, in those many years, did Mr. Connolly ever inform me (when he kept declining to investigate and/or prosecute Romney, Bain Cap, Goldman Sachs, MNAT, Traub, Glazer and Barry Gold)
that Colm Connolly was a partner in the crimes!
Here's the Department of Justice, Office of Legal Policy - Colm Connolly Resume

How does an organized crime (Racketeering) boss, get away with billions and billions in frauds, over and over again? One way is owning a federal prosecutor over your case. If Taibbi had reported all of this, instead of living it up to little old me; then (perhaps) Nixon would be the 2nd most notorious President.
Romney would have been arrested - immediately after he lost!
Be that as it may, the 9th Circuit is browning up to the sophisticated criminals (there's some soon to be vacant SCOTUS seats). Even if Romney's gang does me in (there are many dead already, in this case {Marty Lackner, eToys shareholder Robert Alber had to shoot/kill career criminal Michael Sesseyoff and then there's my & Connolly's - John {Jack} Wheeler).
No matter what happens to me - these Truths are immortal;
and (chiefly) public docket / federal archive records irrefutable.
Romney's Continuous Organized Crime & Federal Corruption of eToys
Romney was CEO of Bain Capital in 2001.
Glazer was CEO of Kay Bee in 2001
Barry Gold and Paul Traub worked with Glazer & Romney 2000/2001 at Stage Stores
MNAT handled Romney's merger of The Learning Company with Mattel
Bain Capital $83 million Kay Bee fraud by MNAT
[br[hr][br] was sold to Romney/Bain=Glazer/Kay Bee for tens of millions.
Paul Traub lied to become eToys Creditors counsel
MNAT lied to become eToys Debtors counsel
Traub and MNAT snuck in Barry Gold as a post-bankruptcy petition CEO of eToys.
Then they booted me out (when I wouldn't take a bribe and reported it to the DOJ)
And that person was MNAT's Colm Connolly.
------------------------------------------- Can Al Capone "retraoctively" retire from his organized crimes?
Can Capone make Frank Nitti the fed prosecutor
---------------------------------------------- and then claim statute of limitations for failure to prosecute?
Bankruptcy Fraud runs for 5 years, from the closure of the case; and bankruptcy case (DE Bankr 01-706) - is still open (soon to close - after 13 1/2 years). This is a CURRENT crime and the SOL will still be running - when Pitten's runs in 2016. MNAT betrayed its court approved client and the Law firm would close - if this case breaks. If you think we can't close law firms with the truth; then look up Hutchins Wheeler, Traub Bonacquist & Fox, Dewey Lebouf, Dreier LLP and Rothstein.
Racketeering also includes Bankruptcy Fraud statutes......
Goldman Sachs would never be trusted to do another IPO again - IF - this story comes out in full.
As for Bain Capital - I don't understand why the feds haven't seized it already;
I'm serving them up on a silver platter - as the largest Racketeering seizure of all time.
It ain't rocket science people
I'm just sayin......


(7,805 posts)My 1st thread today - is about the (purported) most corrupt town in America.
Then, as is documented, my second one will be - Victims Have No Voice