Getaway Driver: I Saw Officer Figoski Shooter With Gun
Last edited Wed Jun 26, 2024, 02:29 PM - Edit history (9)
In an exclusive jailhouse interview with the
(New York) Daily News...(Michael Velez)...(t)he getaway driver charged with four others in the slaying of NYPD Officer Peter Figoski, admits he knew the accused triggerman was carrying a gun before the botched robbery that led to the Brooklyn cops murder.
He said that he hadnt previously known (alleged shooter Lamont) Pride...He said his friend asked him to give Pride and the gang a ride in exchange for gas money. An out-of-work maintenance man, he said he saw it as a chance to support his wife and 9-month-old daughter. He claims he waited nearby, per Prides instruction. And when they never came back, he said, he drove home.
Hes lying, cops say. Velezs getaway car was pinned in by police vehicles right after the robbery. Surveillance footage that played repeatedly online and on TV also showed him walking away from the crime scene as scores of cops flooded the area. Velez has already racked up at least four for attempted murder and was on probation...
If you gave the ride in exchange for "gas money," then you DIDN'T make money -- you only broke even. When you saw the gun, it should have occurred to you that a) you could end up charged as an accomplice to whatever happened, which b) would be a violation of your probation. And I'll do you a favor by pointing out that you couldn't have known that you'd been recorded leaving the crime scene on foot.
In short, you've outsmarted yourself with a capital "out." As Keith Olbermann says, "Genius, I tells ya!"