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You have to be both a Gamer and a Firefly fan to appreciate this, but I've yet to meet a SF lover who wasn't at one time or another.

(1,951 posts)I'm not really a gamer, but I've heard of "lawful evil" before, and the rest makes sense as extrapolation.
Yay, Firefly!
(9,465 posts)A Google search just informed me that the alignments have been simplified since my D&D days, but this is the system we used back in the seventies and eighties. Yup. I'm that old!
(9,465 posts)You could apply this system to any SF novel/film/series developed enough to include a large cast of characters. For instance, Obi wan Kenobi is a Lawful Good, as is the Imam in "Pitch Black", and Captain Kirk, except on the rare occasions his crazy-ass Chaotic Neutral comes out. Spock and Captain Jack Harkness are both True Neutrals. Emperor Palpatine is a Lawful Evil. Han Solo and Riddick are both Chaotic Neutrals. Miles Vorkosigan is the very model of a Chaotic Good.
There aren't that many Evil characters in ST: even the early versions of the Klingons adhered to a warrior code that made them Lawful Neutrals. Of course, if you include characters confined to a single episode, Khan is the Lawful Evil ruler from hell.
I'd like to try this with Song of Fire and Ice (I know it's a Fantasy: quibble, quibble),
Eddard Stark: Lawful Good
Jon Snow: Neutral Good
Araya Stark: Chaotic Good
Stannis Baratheon: Lawful Neutral
Tywin Lannister: True Neutral
The Hound: Chaotic Neutral
Jaime Lannister: Lawful Evil
Cersei Lannister: Neutral Evil
Joffrey Baratheon: Chaotic Evil
(1 post)Hmm . . .
I'd say that Jaime has, by this point in the story, moved up to being Neutral, and I'm not sure if I'd really call The Kingslayer Lawful. Littlefinger is closer to the quintessential Lawful Evil character; he's playing by the rules, scheming his way to the top, and no even realizes what's going on. I'd also argue that Tywin Lannister is more Neutral Evil than True Neutral. Tyrion is a better choice for this slot. Arya is a bit too . . . murderous to be a "good" character; she is more chaotic neutral than anything else. I'd say the following is a bit more accurate:
Eddard Stark: Lawful Good
Jon Snow: Neutral Good
Dany Targaryan: Chaotic Good
Stannis Baratheon: Lawful Neutral
Tyrion Lannister: True Neutral
Arya Stark: Chaotic Neutral
Petyr Baelish: Lawful Evil
Cersei Lannister: Neutral Evil
Joffrey Baratheon: Chaotic Evil
(9,465 posts)My bad. And he's my favorite character. True neutrals are fascinating, no?