How do you answer this question?
Why do so many black men like to date white women?Just starting from the ground up here, this has got to be the most common question, i have answered it in the past however most Black Women take offense and things go down hill from there? How do you answer this question, you can change the races because sure the same questions applies.
here is a reply, what say you:
I'm a black woman raised in african american culture so I know black women and black men and I will be honest with my answer. Some of you are sightly right and some of you... I worry about you having children and spreading such ignorance in the world. The first reason why black men date white women is due to history. Slave masters where very familiar with bedding black women but black men could not even bed there own women with out permission. Because white women where untouchable to black men it glorified the experience. Things are very different now since then but the glorification of the white woman for the black man still lives on. The second reason,( although I hate to admit this), not all but most black women due to culture are more aggressive than white women are. I am not at all aggressive but sadly its just true for black women. This is not necessarily a bad thing our history has made us strong and our relationships with our own men have too. It's no secret that static show that a high percentage of black men are not the best fathers or function well in society, so in a lot of ways what do you really expect of black women. However there are cases when the attitudes are toooo much and it gets out of hand. Most white women not all are much more recessive with men and tend to be a support system. However black men are very dominating figures and take this for granted, some even stating themselves that white women are weaker. I don't believe that goodness of any kind should be taken for granted. So there is your answer.

eek MD
(391 posts)Why does there always have to be a "reason" when two people from different races fall in love? Nobody asks a German man why he fell in love with a German woman, but put different skin on them and suddenly there has to be some all-encompassing reason behind it. There are beautiful, smart, charming women (and men) in every racial and ethnic group. Some of them are bound to fall in love when you have a country with so many different ethnicities.
This reminds me of the stereotype of white men who fall for asian women, and the people who say that it's because we're after their "submissiveness" so we can control them. Usually, it's just sour grapes from single people who are jealous that they can't hold down a relationship, so they claim that "others" are trying to "steal" their men/women away.
(51 posts)I am a black women and I have no idea why so many black men date white women nor do I care. I've always been open to interracial dating. I've been seeing this out in the open all my life and never really paid much attention to it or gave it a second thought. I think it's a personal preference most of the time, although there may be some black folks that may see dating a white person as a prize or trophy or major accomplishment or perhaps a kind of forbidden fruit. People like who they like. A lot of black women are dating white men now. I think everybody's reasoning for dating outside their race is unique and they have their own reasons or maybe it just happened in the natural scheme of things. It may be simply that they found a person they connected with or fell in love with. I would hope that by now people have transcended the so-called "jungle-fever" syndrome of the past and slavery. There are some interesting books on the topic of blacks dating whites that present various sides of it from different perspectives.
The Denzel Principle: Why Black Women Can't Find Good Black Men by Jimi Izrael.
Black Woman White Man: A Black Woman's Journey to Love And The Truth About Interracial Dating by Sinclaire Caviness.
Why Black Men Love White Women by Karen Hunter and Rajen Persaud (Author).
Mr Dixon
(1,185 posts)Why Black Men Love White Women by Karen Hunter and Rajen Persaud (Author).
So far it is not very Good
(51 posts)What's going on with you?
Mr Dixon
(1,185 posts)Just reading you recommendations and the dizzle book is funny, however the "why blk men love wht women book was a head sratcher, did you really enjoy this book?
(10 posts)Response to Mr Dixon (Original post)
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