Race & Ethnicity
Related: About this forumThe politically correct Aryian Brotherhood.
"The present blooming fantasy of white victimization has roots in the peculiar violent institutions of the 19th-century American South. In the distant mirror of history, its easy to spot the irony and the guilt: even before the Civil War began, whites worried that their slaves would rise up and repay their masters in kind filch the fruit of their labor, rape them, and beat them, sometimes to death".
Those poor poor white people in the south hanging on to that anger have to let it out somehow. They started the Tea Party so they could talk, walk and carry a big stick at the same time during parades while dressed as you and me so not to look radical. And to get up on the stage in a nice suit while spouting their anger at the masses they infect with their hatred. They rage against anything that helps anyone of color, is poor or disabled. If you are not of the white anglo saxon dna strain you are the enemy of the confederacy. I would call the Tea Party, the politically correct Aryian Brotherhood.

(18,124 posts)and I would call them neanderthal racist pigs disguised as nazis.
(6 posts)I would not be welcomed in anything Anglo Saxon and I still am not. They are my natural born enemy. I still say blacks and whites are natural born enemies but at the same time, I feel theres another type of enemy of mine. The Anglo Saxon devil. This is the bad boy that I am glad is dwindling in society. His power is gradually slipping. Anything white and christian ruling this entire nation has not been good. It has been built on war and I am not about those values. If they want to have a separate area of this country for what remaining bit they have, then fine. I just don't want to live there. I want an italian/irish area in the Northeast I can live in and preferably a ghetto. The Russians don't identify as white, why should I? We should all be minority groups, it will work better this way and get rid of "white" in a lot of things. I feel since I have been taken out of my element and forced to live in other places that I just didn't click well with the culture and even though non whites can be problematic, many of my dealings are with whites too and I have my issues especially in areas where it was more western influenced with Anglo Saxon. Its these white people here who I feel will be dealt with properly once the crap hits the fan. These ruthless more western types like what most of California has. The Midwest will come out more victorious and the Northeast has a better chance but California doesn't at all.. that much is evident. Dixie will probably be a separate nation too and they can get whatever christian whites left that relocate east or something.
(6 posts)The same groups now attacking the Mexicans crossing the border are the same people who didn't like my people when they came here to Ellis Island to immigrate so the illegal immigration argument is now failing as far as I see it. Those bastards like Joe Arpaio and all those people would have hated my kind as well and I see this well now including JT Ready. It seems like there is a big Tea Party element now in the Southwest or this is where most of them live it seems.. I wouldn't be surprised if in the wild west, a new type of KKK exists... the sheetless and more presentable who have even let more blacks into their groups too because they felt they had no other choice but ya I still think they are the most classist party and the party most apt to segregate by religion and they will claim it was a religious thing or political affiliation why they discriminated, not because of someones race. They try to avoid race a lot of these Tea baggers.. Just come out and say it wtf. I called a radio show of Tea party constitutionalist types before or I was on Talkshoe and when I said a few things "racist", they were like oh no, racism is so NOT our thing. They were trying to cover that up for sure either that or they really didn't think it, yet these people film illegals all the time or one guy did. thats how I found the radio show.. from that video he posted on youtube filming "illegal aliens" outside of Home Depot saying how these foreigners are coming in illegally and this and that. I would watch white people who are like that closely. They aren't to be trusted and this comes from someone "white". It reminds me of when David Duke is asked about racism.. Are you racist? He looks everyone in the eye into the camera and goes "No I'm not", I just want to preserve my christian heritage.. lol.
Dog Gone at Penigma
(433 posts)I've been receiving a lot of attention on my blog from white supremacists who apparently think I'm a race traitor for not upholding the dominance of white protestant christian culture.
What a lot of Anders Breivik wannabees.
Here's an example of what irritates them:
and this seems to be who they are:
(10 posts)Do you want to be as specific as possible to help prove that they're a bunch of racists, or do you want to continue doing what many people do - come up with an eloquent but generic rant to try and justify straw man attacks...