Race & Ethnicity
Related: About this forumWhy do racists think they have the right to define racism?
I am always bewildered, bemused and astounded by those (nearly always white people) in society who think it is within their rights and privileges to take the racism that is felt within minority communities and redefine that racism to suit their own narrative. Redefining racism or denying it even exists on behalf of communities who live it, breathe it and have to put-up with-it day in and day out and who define the racism they experience in a very different way. Apparently, their definition is not sufficient or accurate for the racists amongst us.
The right wing are thieves, stealing who gets to define racist behaviour away from those who experience racism so they can continue to act in a racist way without having to acknowledge that that is what they are doing.
Couple this with the very proud claim by some that they do not even see race
..that they are in fact colour blind! That race does not actually exist! That they only see the human race! Ergo, if race does not exist, how can they possibly be racist!?!?
BUT, for the racist, just in case we insist that race and racism does exist then they from a position of privilege get to define what racism looks like for those who do not have privilege. That is only fair? Right? Further, if we do not accept their definitions of race and racism, which is never going to happen because they are racists, then they will call us the racists for calling out their bollocks.
Interpretation: They have neither the intent nor the will to recognise or fix the underlying issues of race and white privilege. They are enabled and emboldened right now. We really are ruled by racists.

liberal N proud
(61,084 posts)All of us (defined by those who are not racist) are to blame for allowing theses pigs to get away with their hate.
We must call them out. Same with all the hate we see, call the hate out, sexism, racism, disabilities and every time we see hate, call the hater out.
brer cat
(26,838 posts)I meet these color blind republicans frequently and have been told that liberals "invented" racism when we started talking about identity politics all the time. It didn't exist until we needed something to bash republicans. It is hopeless to reach these people.
(868 posts)Undoubtedly, the very same idiots that believe their minority status makes any and all contrary decisions irrelevant. PERIOD.
Together, anyone that try to separate the majority by race, religion, and sexual preference is telling the us that our thoughts and opinions DO NOT COUNT FOR ANYTHING.
Yet, amazingly, the majority opinions continues to represent the "minority opinion", much the same as thousands or years of HISTORY. As the best example, by far and away, women, 51% of our population worldwide throughout HISTORY, was only "allowed" to participate in our democracy 100 years ago.
And still, a woman has NO RIGHT to make critical, potentially life saving decisions after 1000's of years of subjugation. The right to make such determinations realized 100 years age, differs not one whit from the end of slavery by the republicans after the Civil War (which allowed the s=South the right to Jim Crow Laws).
If you are NOT Male, White, Christian, and /or Rich, America has proved you are not worthy to be an American, even though the Constitution of the United States guarantees, in plain righting, we are "all created equal" free to "Life, LibertY and Happiness".
That never seemed to work out for the indigenous populations, immigrants or the poor then and now, did it?