Related: About this forumAny of you guys out there every had a prostrate biopsy? Reason I ask is that I decided to have one
to ease my apprehension. My urologist says it's worth knowing for sure to aleve my fears about it having any cancerous growths. He says chances are 80% to 20% that I don't My PSA 7.2. He says thats high. Any thoughts?

(3,865 posts)so if the only reason is to alleviate your fear - maybe meditation instead-
and many doctors suggest psa is not a good screening tool:,0,4881320.story
"The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force is now planning on recommending a "D" rating for PSA testing, meaning that "there is moderate or high certainty that the service has no net benefit or that the harms outweigh the benefits." A review of studies has shown that the PSA blood test yields "small or no reduction" in prostate cancer deaths."
(12,771 posts)probably have the biopsy. The doctor assured me if they find malignancy they can cure it. For a gambling man, the odds are pretty good...80% to 20% that I don't. I think I'll have another PSA test and see if I can improve the odds. Wish me luck. 5-21 is the day.
(54,273 posts)One thing I'd do is get another PSA test, preferably from a different lab, to make sure the first one is valid.
How old are you?
Do you have an enlarged prostate?
This can cause higher than 'normal' readings.
Same if you've experienced an ejaculation 24-48 hours prior to the drawing of blood.
I do have BPH (enlarged prostate), and my PSA ranges between 3.8 and 7. Up one time, down the next.
I did research online about prostate biopsy prep.
Laxative the day before, Fleet enema the morning of the procedure, etc.
All to lessen the chances of infection.
A week or so before the biopsy, having heard nothing from the urologist, I called and talked to one of his nurses. I asked about prep.
"Oh the chance of infection is so low we don't put you through all that any more."
Hunh? OK...???
"I'm taking 83 mg of enteric aspirin (blood thinner) a day. Should I stop that?"
"No, that's OK."
Hunh??? again.
Well, doctor knows best.
When I was up on the examination table about to have the biopsy, the doctor said "You're not on any blood thinners, are you?"
I thought this was a fine time to ask.
"Yes, as I told your nurse, I'm taking 83 mg of aspirin daily."
"Oh, it'll probably be OK."
I should have walked out right then, but I didn't.
The biopsy itself really wasn't THAT bad. He partially deadened the area and I just felt pressure and some pin pricks. It was a 12 point biopsy.
When they finished I was led into an adjoining room, handed a box of Kleenex, and left alone to clean myself up.
There was an amazing amount of blood. Went through several tissues and finally stuffed a wad up my butt.
I was in a state of mild shock.
Sat in my car for several minutes, smoking a much needed cigarette and gathering my wits.
Finally felt able to drive the half hour home.
I peed blood for two weeks or more.
A friend who'd had the same procedure a few months before me told me he had blood in his urine for a couple of days.
If you're on any kind of blood thinner and can safely stop, quit for 2 weeks prior to biopsy.
P.S. I have a different urologist now.
Much better guy.
Good luck.
(12,771 posts)Last edited Fri May 10, 2013, 11:30 PM - Edit history (1)
7.2, my PSA was 6.6. Half a point in two weeks? that normal or otherwise? Urologist was a young Dr., maybe 30+. Your instruction are basically the same ones I got. Hopefully my aftereffects aren't like yours. I 've heard different and similar. Guess it all depends on the doctor. Have you have the results yet?
Age: 74 and healthy
(54,273 posts)One 'iffy' node that may or may not become cancerous.
I'm 72 and in good health.
If you don't have an enlarged prostate, you're a rare individual.
"The type and severity of symptoms experienced will vary from man to man and may vary over time. For many men, BPH never progresses beyond a minor to moderate annoyance; for others, it may represent a significant challenge to their quality of life. BPH becomes a very common condition in men as they age. According to the National Association for Continence, about 50% of men will have some degree of BPH by the time they are 60 years old, and up to 90% will be affected by age 85. While BPH does not cause prostate cancer, both may be found together."
Good luck.
(12,771 posts)in the morning. The last two psa tests I had were 3.8, then 4.6. Dropped from the high of 7.2. I decided not to have the biopsy, but I will if PSA rises.
(54,273 posts)Last year my PSA spiked to 13 point something.
My new urologist said "I think you just have an infection."
Put me on a 10 day course of an antibiotics and it came right back down to 3 point something.