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liberal N proud
(61,084 posts)And you can't even see the longest part in that picture.
(720 posts)MrYikes
(720 posts)along about 53, granma couldn't walk so well. My uncles decided to concrete the walk to the outhouse which was down a pretty good hill. Cool. Then granma fell. So finally we got inside plumbing. I still remember that day. We kids stayed outside and quiet, cause the uncles were cussing a lot (plumbing work does that to you). But wow, a flush toilet and a sink and even a real bathtub. No more going down into the coal cellar to take a bath in the washtub and having to haul the hot water down in a bucket. But the best part was that they knocked over the outhouse, filled it in and that became our trash pile which we burned daily. The good part was in the winter, we kids would pour water on the concrete and lay an old door over the trash pile and had an instant ramp to slide over with our sleds. Boy that was fun. All the neighbor kids would come over and join in.
(30,947 posts)since I grew up in Miami, FL I live in the North Georgia area now and there are a few scenes like this, but maybe once a year at the most.