Rural/Farm Life
Related: About this forumI picked up 33 baby chicks at the Post office this morning -
They hatched in Iowa Friday, rode a truck to Minneapolis, caught a plane to Atlanta, caught another plane to Rochester, rode over night to Syracuse and were waiting for me Sunday morning!
(cross posted from the Lounge)

(23,211 posts)

(72,174 posts)hedgehog
(36,286 posts)Buff Polish, Buff Orpingtons and Mille Fleur Bantams. Plus my free exotic chick!
(39,909 posts)Nothing cuter than baby chicks, except maybe baby ducks.
Looks like you got a nice mix.
Last month we added 10 more chicks to our flock of 11 mixed laying hens.
We have Australorpes, Barred Rocks, RI Reds, Silverlaced Wyandottes, Buff Orps, Wellsummers,
and one Brown Leghorn.
The Brown Leghorn is the Old Lady of the flock.
She seldom lays anymore, but we keep her in comfortable retirement because she was the best Layer we ever had,
and her floppy comb makes her unique.
We started keeping Free Range chickens in Spring 2007,
and they have proved to be the most cost effective, year round source of Healthy, good tasting food.
The bonus was that we quickly came to love these clean, intelligent, social birds,
each with their own individual personality.
They have become a daily source of delight.
Good Luck with your birds.