Rural/Farm Life
Related: About this forumTo all 'Rural/Farm Life' peeps, please check in
Wannabees and Dreamers welcome.

(22,110 posts)But I'm in and subscribed
(1,405 posts)Glad they are keeping this one. I couldnt' bear it if I couldn't read here about the chickens and goats. My ten year old great granddaughter loves it too, and insists she's gonna be an organic farmer, grow goats, and make cheese.
(9,308 posts)Blessings.
(47,451 posts)Love this place.
(1,736 posts)I'm subscribed (since May, I think).

(56,126 posts)and subscribing
(115,916 posts)Jamastiene
(38,197 posts)I love it out here in my little jungle.
(22,144 posts)Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)
(29,850 posts)but the town will eventually be swallowed up into a suburb, with the current rate of growth.
Oh, and dreaming of the day when I can have a small acreage to myself.
FedUpWithIt All
(4,442 posts)This is my first post on the new DU.
Hi everyone!
(494 posts)pitbullgirl1965
(564 posts)Checking in. No snow yet yay!
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)I still believe that trading broadband internet access for peace and quiet is worth every frustrating minute.
(46,179 posts)dog_lovin_dem
(309 posts)checking in from rural Illinois. My hubby and I live on 42 acres of wooded farmland inherited from my parents almost 30 years ago...hope the land will one day become a Centinnial Farm.
(9,687 posts)(Lower Arkansas)
Dog? Hell, that ain't no dog. That there is a redneck security system. Tell you what. If I'm not home, see if he'll let you in the house without taking your arm off. I got a hundred dollars for you if you live.
(60,025 posts)I have one of those too, and I love the overall respect that people give a barking dog at the door down here.
Howdy from rural Alabama!
(4,277 posts)have a small 2.2 acre place in the woods in Truro. A yurt, chickens, large garden and commercial
size greenhouse. Trying 4 season for the first time. Passive Solar, have chard- kale, lettuce growing
like crazy. Using bales of hay outside of the GH for insulation. Employing lasagna gardening layering of
nitrogen/ carbon this fall to help ammend the soil. Have lots of access to seaweed. Labor of love.
Looking forward to learning/ sharing with this important group!
(646 posts)was just there in october for a week. The 100's of seals on the beach were fabulous.
(72,174 posts)buying a vacant lot 2 doors down in the big city next week. planning a small orchard and a big, big garden. some chickens, some bees.
but i'm calling it "the farm".
(34,502 posts)52 acres of heaven, if you love to work on the land that is definitely my definition of heaven Horses, goats, dogs and cats and lots of other critters who wander through and never go hungry when on my land. Big grass pastures, lots of trees and ponds and a big big sky.
Hi all, I mostly lurk here but do post from time to time. The things I learn while here are valuable and I am so happy we are moved over and not deleted. I think I subscribed way back when we were allowed in for a while, will check and subscribe if not already.
(163,986 posts)mattvermont
(646 posts)would love to see a more active discussion here.
(1,895 posts)I grew up on a urban farm. Chickens, ducks, rabbits and many many veggies and fruit trees.
Little Star
(17,055 posts)
(39,215 posts)shireen
(8,338 posts)i'd love to live in a rural setting but illness make it impractical.
(6,507 posts)from N CA on my organic going Biodynamic farm where I raise sheep, chickens and heirloom grains- nice to be here again!
(9,186 posts)farm with 20-acres, horse, cows, chickens at the base of the Mission range.
grew up in Orchard country Eastern washington in the 60's and 70's.
(7,237 posts)
I have lived in rural south central / southeast PA my whole life and I am not happy unless I can see farm animals out my window and hear frogs peeping at night. Lots of my friends were farm kids when I was growing up and I spent a lot of time on farms but have never lived on one.
I am a wannabee/dreamer... currently I live next to a farm on about an acre. My dream is 10 -20 acres with chickens and a couple sheep/goats and possible some other animals.
I like the quiet country life and animals and OPEN SPACE around me.
Not so good at growing stuff... but I still have time to learn and am thinking about some vegetable growing experimentation in the future. And maybe fruit trees.
Cities.... blah. Nice to visit. For short periods of time.
(269 posts)Just found this group. And it makes me homesick for the country. But I live in a little town in SC, so its all good!
(18,470 posts)My family has been involved with farming for over a century. My dad and two of his brothers are in business together, between them they have two main farms with about 200 cows and a couple thousand acres.
(170 posts)Live here with my folks while I go to college. Bucking hay, mucking stalls, having toes stomped.
(2,117 posts)happy Jan. 16, weather here sucks! (east coast)
(9,549 posts)I'm up on a hill with a great view of the Manzano Mts. I've got 12 chickens and a monster rooster, 3 cats , one dog.
toby jo
(1,269 posts)Bought her at sale, fellow said, she's kind of too slow for my gelding. I hitched her and pulled some logs, she had me all over the field. Felt like I spent the day wrestling a bull.
She'll be bred to a Freisan, they make the most beautiful stock you've ever seen. Going back next week for a Belgian gelding to match my Belgian mare. I'd like a matched team, but boy, does he have to be pretty, cuz Angel sure is.
(64 posts)I am in mid-Georgia...not heavy ag, but mostly pine farming and small cattle enterprise, but definitely rural. Born in Atlanta, I have been out here about 12 years. It is much like when south Atlanta was still rural, before the insane race for the airport to be the busiest in the dam world! SO....hello to everyone!
(17,301 posts)Subscribed on the ND prairie.
(16 posts)Checking in and subscribed. I live rural. I'm a professional with a penchant for hobby farming / homesteading. I am new to this site and pleased to see a group for rural folks.
(24,437 posts)Very interested in subscribing. I have a little 10 acre farm, a log cabin, and tons of animals. Gardening maniac. Getting ready to do lasagna method on a huge new flower garden.
Wondering if anyone here are canners. Just getting started I am learning with books and some you tubes vidos. Thanks!
Response to jannyk (Original post)
jcgoldie This message was self-deleted by its author.
(26,243 posts)Just found y'all.
Back to the lander here. Live on 13 acres.bordering national forest in inland Pacific NW with horses, layer hens, and family pets. Been here since my dream!
Faux pas
(15,570 posts)6.6 miles out of town with the Hoquiam River right across the road...Paradise!
(34,502 posts)thought I would check in again. I have actually not been here much, perhaps I should check in more often.
I have 50+ acres of brome hay and woods and ponds. I have horses, down to 5 now and they are getting on in years, 2 weathered goats who are also long in the tooth except for the one who has lost all his molars and cats including ferals I feed and dogs.
I try to keep all but the pastures that are mowed for hay as natural as possible. Fighting honeysuckle and buckbrush at the moment and am losing the fight.
Anyway, a check in and a hello! Let's all try to check in more often, it is a nice forum.
(18,435 posts)TEB
(14,138 posts)A lot of tomatoes every thing we planted is fantastic.
(24,437 posts)At my little cabin in the woods on 10 acres, with horses, mini-donkies, goats, various poultry, and plenty of cats and dogs. Little cabin has been getting a total makeover, going into the third week with contractor ripping everything up. Chaos!
I never see anything posted here....
(23,104 posts)just north of Clarksville TN. Beautiful farmland; WInter wheat, corn, soybeans, and 3 kinds of tobacco.
Western Kentucky is the only place in the world where dark fired tobacco is grown.
When I was growing up in the 1950s and 60s, everyone had a large garden and a pantry or cellar full of preserves, jams , jellies, pickles and green beans. Lots of corn in the freezer as well as baby lima beans, black eyed peas and other veg. Some folks still kept a dairy cow and had chicken houses, pigs and beef cattle.
The nearest 'town' had about 225 residents. We stayed out until the street lights came on.
I enjoy living in the city, but I do love a trip back to KY every now and then.
(5 posts)Fonda (about an hour west of Albany) farm boy checking in
(5,369 posts)Where I still have one member of my old pack of country critters: a 15 yr old raccoon color female kitty. Just acquired another cat, a severely abused large cat in recovery. And a shelter dog I adopted 3 years ago, a sweet and terribly shy small female that runs away from the cats.
I have two acres, and a very old farmhouse that is getting swallowed up by new developments. I still have a remnant of a wild and weedy tomato garden, one green pepper plant, and I fight the weeds with no success. I am luckier in the constant fight with wasps.
I travel often, but refuse to share walls with neighbors. I want to downsize but will not give up on silence and space.
(6 posts)Greetings!
My husband and I transplanted from Silicon Valley to the tiny town of Boring, Oregon. Technically we're in the now disincorporated town of Damascus, but I like saying Boring instead. We're close to Boring, and we're hoping to be absorbed into the town. Though we are close to Portland, and the bigger cities of Happy Valley (just half a mile away) Boring/Damascus is a very rural suburb. We have 9,000 people on 12,000 acres. We live on a nice 1.5 acre parcel that dead ends in a Christmas tree farm.
Happy to be here!
(10,453 posts)I've been a member of DU since 2004, lurked since 2001. I've been on various other groups on DU, but never realized there was a rural group.
(11,692 posts)I posted on the General info board the other day and they recommended I subscribe here.
I'm a small farmer from east TN and raise sheep and grow organic vegetables. We don't have the organic label. We have the Certified Naturally Grown (CNG) label.
We have reduced the amount of farming we do now but we still love it.
I'm hoping to learn some things.
It continually amazes me how this small plot of about 30 acres has gone from a pesticide ridden, round up covered, overgrazed by cattle patchy dirt and eroded shale hillside to a lush grass and diverse ecosystem in less than 12 years mostly by us doing nothing. Mother nature will heal herself if we just give her a chance.
(12,046 posts)So I had checked in here awhile back, but I haven't been able to access my DU account for a couple years and now it says my posts were self-deleted. Not sure why. Anyway I have a small 40 acre farm in southern Illinois specializing in Nubian dairy goats, honeybees, heirloom vegetables, and a small herd of black Angus beef cattle. My wife sells honey, goats milk soap, and tomatoes and peppers at the farmers' markets. I love that here is a place to talk about farm related things with like minded people considering I'm surrounded by a sea of red locally.
(4,322 posts)Outside of La Luz, which is outside of Alamogordo
(4,401 posts)FeatherFox
(9 posts)Next to a "hwy", keeper of chickens. Caretaker of local wildlife, except the hogs; we eat them afore they destroy things.
ps. how do I subscribe? (first timer; still learning the forums)
LOL, ps. I figured it out *grin*
(18,435 posts)...5 acres of forest in central wash state. Cougar, Bear and rattlers and the occasional 2 legged critter who got too drunk to drive down from the hills so they pound on my door for a phone. yeehaaaaaaaa
Down on the farm.
(18,435 posts)DUgosh
(3,107 posts)Texas
(355 posts)Chickens and ducks and cats and a dog and a spouse. ❤️
(4,401 posts)5 x 6 bales and my bike....

(2,310 posts)Is this the right forum for this?
(8,608 posts)Lilithschyld
(44 posts)Living way out in the boonies, loving life!
Response to jannyk (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(26,795 posts)Already subscribed. Don't know why I haven't checked in before now.
(23,104 posts)I took a break from DU in the Obama years and when I came back I just forgot about checking on subscriptions
I re-subscribed. I decided I might need to re learn some things if food is just out of my reach; Going back to eating lots of beans and cornbread, I fear
(285 posts)Love anything Horse related, especially old draft horse photos