Rural/Farm Life
Related: About this forumWho s got sheep?
What breed? How many?
I have Katahdins/Dorper crosses with a little North Country Cheviot mixed in.
I use a Karakal for terminal sire to make fat-tailed lambs which are sought out by Ethnic Eastern Europeans and Muslim immigrants.
I like to talk about sheep.

(46,179 posts)She's a St. Croix, born and bred here.
I had a small flock a few years back; mostly to try to manage weeds. St. Croix were more interested in the shrubs and trees than the weeds, though, so they weren't really effective weeders. The spring my mare was ready to foal, I sold the flock; I had another equine mouth to feed. The people who bought the flock left one weanling ewe; they had her twin sister.
She, of course, was terrified to be left behind. She first tried to form a bond with the dog, an aussie, who wanted nothing to do with that. She tried fitting through the doggy door to shadow me in the house, but I wanted nothing to do with that. So she attached herself to the horses, and she's been there ever since. She doesn't know she's a sheep. She pastures with them, comes into the barn to eat with them, and generally behaves very horse-like. Every once in awhile she'll escape under a fence that they can't; she doesn't go far without them, though, and they pace and call until she returns.
She'll be 4 this spring.
(201 posts)I have a herd of 5 right now with two on the way next month. I raise them for wool and meat. Super hardy, small and will graze anything. Not much care to them and being so small, they are good around kids. I get 40.00 to 80.00 each for the wool depending on the colors. I like that they pay for themselves after two years and feed us the fourth and fifth.
(6,507 posts)these are a small wool breed. I have about 85 ewes and maybe 20 wethers and rams and about 50 lambs right now.
It is a bit wild because this year due to the very bad drought we are having here, over 12 mom's dumped lambs on me and it has been wild bottle feeding that many.
I've had them since 2000. I cannot figure out why I love them so much, they really do not care about me unless I am bringing them hay or milk. But I love them anyway.
I love talking about them too.