Related: About this forumQuestion a habit you carried over from the military
Me hot sauce on certain foods especially on eggs. At the unit mess hall in garrison or out in the field hot sauce now garrison chow was good just something about eggs spice them up.When we would get a hot breakfast out in the field pull the hot sauce out of fatigue pocket and spice up the powdered eggs.
The shittiest MRE ever created turkey and ham loaf yup I havent eaten in like a day so Im gonna eat this shit in a bag add hot sauce. Only other option was to see if your bud in fighting position would wanna trade never happened.
Me- hey bro you wanna trade
Battle bud - fuck you man
Me - thinking huh I wonder if I beat him with my
butt yea nope visions of military prison barracks Leavenworth pull out the hot sauce for the turkey ham loaf
Battle buddy- Hey bro Im out of Tabasco can I get some of yours for my beef stew.
Same for C-rats especially the ham and green beans hot sauce.
Going to the plt sgts house Christmas dinner eating a great meal of beef and kimchi prepared by his wife. Taking the first bite spicy no hot sauce needed as you guzzle a glass of water.
This morning I made eggs pancakes added Franks red hot to my eggs mixed everything on my plate with syrup. My son goes god dad that is disgusting.

(10,334 posts)Abnredleg
(1,028 posts)Shoes were always shined (retired now)
My hair was down to my shoulders in college but now I get antsy when it hits my ears
I eat way too fast (I blame basic and OCS for that)
(14,138 posts)On eating 84-87 was my time Ive slowed down eating.
(13,365 posts)Carry a small compass everywhere.
(24,010 posts)I don't know why it's so rare.
Also, check the "gig line" before leaving the house.
Of course, neither has applied lately. I never go to a restaurant anymore, and I rarely leave the house. Ask again after I've had a few shots (vaccine, not bourbon).
(16 posts)For me, Navy guy, went in 1992, its the phonetics alphabet, sound power phones on a ship where pretty bad. So you hade to rely on the old Alpha Bravo x-ray. Still use it to sound out email and my first name. How hard is it to here Brett over the phone?
(11,349 posts)Yes, sir/mam. Waking still at 4:30am no alarm needed. Carry tools Swiss Army/pocket knife or workman all the time, paracord, compass, personal water container nearby, flint, first aid kit nearby.
Some of these were ingrained before service but strengthened. If not on the body always close.
Ive been out since 74.
marble falls
(63,643 posts)Duncanpup
(14,138 posts)
marble falls
(63,643 posts)... for a bank in AZ. Her nickname was the 'Dragon Lady'.
BTW my wife is a 30-year vet of CIA. Her dad was 30+ years with the Army, went up every rank from PFC to Major, including Warrant ranks. Parachuted into Market Garden and D-Day, two Bronze Stars, one Silver, Purple Heart. Was in Korea, where he got that second Bronze Star. Papa was definitely "Sir" to me.
My dad, a corporal, claims he provided the first cold beer in Korea. He was "Sir", too.
(14,138 posts)The CIA wow Mrs marble falls then her father market garden Korea I say stud for her father
marble falls
(63,643 posts)He's been mentioned in a couple books by a Dutch historian, Frank Van Lunteren.
The Battle of the Bridges: the 504th Parachute Regiment in Operation Market Garden
Blocking Kampfgruppe Peiper: the 504th Parachute Regiment in the Battle of the Bulge
(14,138 posts)Operation husky to D DAY to Market Garden those brothers Airborne infantry were studs. Im 54 today and former Airborne infantry 82nd and I respect those men.
As kid in west Germany I meant a German paratrooper he was jump on Crete then ended up east front fine soldier.
(14,138 posts)DashOneBravo
(2,679 posts)I never cared for it.
Quick list.
I eat with a bowl and standing up. My girlfriend is like Dash, slow down; nobody is gonna steal it. Also I mix things in the bowl. Like eggs, biscuit gravy
I always say maam or sir. My language gets worse if I have a beer or bourbon.
I always have a great pair of waterproof boots I wear instead of shoes.
(14,138 posts)Although it depends if I address you as mam or sir if you are asshole no I will not. Or if you graduated sand hill😂 not fucking happening remember hitting field. Four days later seriously I could only eat one MRE a day cuz of constipation ok Im gonna shit after four days in field walking 20 miles a day. And you shit two hard pebbles and a arrow head. Some dudes I served with eat rations 3 times a day.
(2,679 posts)Still jealous of us Sand Hill guys? Just be grateful they still let the 2nd string peasants in during that time.
And before anyone alerts on this. Its just how we joke with each other. DP went through at Harmony Church where the barracks were made by the Revolutionary War soldiers. I got the easy location where we had air conditioning and large open bays.
(14,138 posts)Yet at the end we were all infantry soldiers benning today is 22 weeks are time was 14 its like when we joke as vets with different service members. Seriously Dashone we got master sgt pollock Air Force a whiz in math Im suprised top pollock even talks to us. Then we got the LT VIC c3 Docreed we all carry on yet always respectful of each other.
(7,893 posts)(reinforced by previously working at Sears during Christmas shopping season and dealing with impatient customers)
Standing at parade rest while waiting at a counter.
marble falls
(63,643 posts)Susan Calvin
(2,228 posts)Being permanently cured of any fear of shots. It was either get over it or go crazy, I chose get over it.
(1,406 posts)Smiling thru BS, Crap, Mud, Problems.
Laughing at people who could not cope with their cold Latte.
Getting Beat up but NEVER BEAT DOWN.
Cleaning like a MOFO.
Being able to sleep anywhere, anytime, any position. In seconds.
(5,398 posts)The Army discipline makes it much easier to get into a workout regimen.
If I could learn how to eat right, I'd look like Charles Atlas.
(14,138 posts)On work out
(34,226 posts)and every once in awhile I have a craving for instant coffee...thankfully, not very often.