Related: About this forumThe Navy beats out the Air Force as the fattest branch, somehow
You'd expect a force commonly derided as a "Chair Force" to rank pretty high on a list of U.S. service branches by obesity, but apparently the Navy has snatched that king-size throne from the flyboys in the Air Force.
According to the 2018 Health of the DOD Force report published in the August edition of the Pentagon's Medical Surveillance Monthly Report, 22% of sailors are classified as obese by military standards, well above both the 18.1% of airmen and the average of 17.4% across the entire DoD that meet that definition.
"While injury, sleep disorders, and BH conditions remain important threats to Navy readiness, this report highlights obesity as a growing health concern among Sailors," the report says. "Obesity contributes to hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, cancer, all-cause mortality, and increased healthcare costs. It also contributes to failure of Sailors to meet physical fitness standards.
By contrast, the Army clocked in at thee Pentagon average of a 17.4% obesity rate while the Marine Corps came in at an 8.3% obesity rate, likely due, as notes, to the size and relative youth of its force.

(18,093 posts)It always amused me during PFA season how many overweight folks in senior enlisted leadership somehow got a pass on the taping for BMI...senior officers too for that matter
(7,629 posts)You talking flag rank or just field grade?
(18,093 posts)We we're ALWAYS expected to be within standards, promotion depended on it...flag rank was what I was referring to.
(2,679 posts)LOL
(18,093 posts)I'm surprised he hasn't commented yet
(2,679 posts)TEB
(14,138 posts)Ok I cant I just cannot be a grownup
(2,679 posts)
(14,138 posts)We have some plump former swabbies I get em wound up
Today when I got back one was stuffing his mouth with cheesecake Im like really. What happens if the navy recalls you in time of need I got a you I said drive on.
The Polack MSgt
(13,532 posts)and the Navy Crypto Tech and Yeomen were by far the roundest of the 4 services.
The Marines were by far the leanest.
That doesn't mean the us "Chairmen" were all in shape - Not even close.
But the Company E Marines were studs 301st IS and 750th MIB were about the same office dweller types and Naval Security Group were led by a SNCO corps that seemed to be assembled from bratwursts
(38,991 posts)I would not want to be trapped in a burning and/or flooding compartment because SN Fred Flintstone was stuck in the scuttle.
(69,314 posts)Kind of hard to do 25-mile marches or 5-mile runs on board a naval vessel.
Hell, the PT I did every morning on duty in the Army wasn't enough exercise to stay physically fit, even in a combat arms role like crewing a tank. A lot of guys went to the gym after work, or put in a pretty solid workout on the weekends.
I used to love getting up early on Sunday mornings and go for a run around the post when it was nice and quiet.