Related: About this forumTinnitus, anyone have any good ways to deal with it?
I have tinnitus in both ears, the right worse then the left. I know precisely when it started and it's been manageable for the last 15 years, but now it's been getting worse. Has anyone found ways to minimize it? It's mainly bothering me when trying to sleep. A fan on low has worked for the longest, but now that isn't working as well.

(2,679 posts)Im hoping someone can help the both of us. I had to turn on the closed captioning.
Mine hasnt started bothering me during sleep
(8,608 posts)Diet and exercise
change your caffeine habits. Use way smaller cups if you are having more than 3 normal size cups a day.
We need to find a way to turn off active nerves.
If I may ask, hows your health otherwise? Blood pressure, especially.
this song is my easy going work song
(2,303 posts)Moderate high blood pressure. Without meds I was at high 120s mid 130s/mid to high 80s. On meds I'm down to 110-115/60-65 usually. Could lose about 10-15lbs. Other than that cholesterol is good, blood sugar is good. No other complaints besides joints aching, and the two pieces of metal in my leg aching when the weather changes. If my body had a dashboard only like 1/4 of the warning lights would be on lol.
(8,608 posts)Increase veggies and fruit of any type except bananas.
I have baby apricots and watermelon in season at the moment and a handful of mixed nuts daily.
Get a mini tea or coffee cup whatever you have, switch it down.
Report back in a week. It can take a while to wash out whatever is activating those nerves.
Try the easy going music.
(2,303 posts)My wife is on me about keeping my diet more on the healthy side, so adding more fruits and veggies will be easy. I'm not coffee or tea drinker either. No soft drinks. Just water, orange juice, and sugar free lemonade.
(8,608 posts)Lentil soup once a week also.
Later, i will email a round up and 1 esoteric suggestion
(141 posts)My ear/nose/throat doctor told me he doesn't see anything on the horizon. The tinnitus in my right ear can be really distracting. Background noise, music on ear-buds, etc., often mask it, but that's about it.
(3,354 posts)but I would think any would work. I keep the volume just at the point that it kind of masks the ringing but not so loud that you actually get involved listening to the music. I find that instrumental works best.
Opera not so much. At night I play calming music I get from utube. Yellow Brick Cinema has a good selection. Hope this helps, I know it is really an annoyance.
(2,303 posts)I have a pair already, but they aren't the most comfortable. May have to look into getting different ones or different tips for them.
(3,354 posts)exterior noises like traffic etc. I think the tinnitus is internal which is
why I use the music to mask it. I think I got it back in the late fifties when in the ARNG and we were a 90 mm anti aircraft battalion for a few years. Close to the guns and back then, no ear protection. Seems like I have had it forever.
Best of luck to you.
(20,705 posts)Have 2 sounds. Right side motor running. Left side hissing.
Since about 20 something years of age.
50+ years.
Worsens when ill.
It can make you 'lose it'.
(34,226 posts)If not apply. My state (WA) has a Veterans Administrative Dept. which has advocates. I went thru them in and was tested and accepted into the system within 3 months. To my shock, I was accepted not for my hearing loss, but for tinnitus which is also severe.
Bottom line is I don't have the constant ringing when I wear my hearing aids. I still had to pay for my hearing aids (through Costco), but it's worth the effort to apply to the VA if you're not already in the system.
(2,303 posts)But I haven't used them since after I got my degree and job where the health insurance was great. Since I am fortunate enough to have really good insurance, I haven't been back. Wait times can be lengthy and I'd rather not take up a slot that another vet who needs it more than I do.
(8,541 posts)I lost hearing in my left ear...viral labyrinthitis...can't hear a damn thing in that ear except for an ever present piercing noise...I've gotten very good at ignoring it but every now and then the "sound" changes to more of a shrill gong-like noise and that's when sleeping is only a memory...hope you find a solution...I empathize...
(3,107 posts)It nearly drove me mad. Ive made peace with it and now call it my super power. I can totally immerse myself within it if I need to be distracted from awfulness. I can pace myself with the beat and often accomplish more in my day than I expect to. I think I would miss it now if it disappeared.
Paula Sims
(912 posts)We know what you're going through because it impacts both partners. That said, here are his suggestions:
1. Get a hearing test. ANY hearing loss can result in the brain's trying to make up for the lost frequencies, filling it with the buzz.
2. Hearing aids have been his answer. Without the hearing aids his tinnitus is a 10 -- with them, a 1 or 2.
3. ALWAYS use hearing protection when working with noise generating tools (leaf blower, saws, lawn mower). He purchased a set of shooting muffs highly rated.
Good luck and let us know if you need more info.
(3,558 posts)Over the counter products which may help with Tinnitus.
I recently heard a pharmacist recommond one of the products mentioned, Lipo Flavanoid Plus caplets, to a customer for the treatment of Tinnitus although the article casts doubt on its effectiveness.
(61 posts)I have horrible tinnitus 24/7, a severe hearing loss, and debilitating spells of vertigo that include nausea and vomiting which leads to dehydration. My hearing aid helps my tinnitus some and there are tinnitus masking apps you can download and wear earbuds.
Tinnitus and hearing loss go hand and hand. When I first lost my hearing (I went from normal hearing to a severe hearing loss in a matter of weeks due to the Menieres attacks.) my doctor told me that the brain is confused on why it's not receiving the proper signals from the hearing nerve and will process it as ringing, buzzing, or other similar sounds. My tinnitus sounds like a siren. If you haven't done so already, I would recommend making an appointment to have your hearing checked.
My attacks have left me unable to work. I had surgery in February to try to get relief. It was a failure. June 8, they will inject gentamicin into my inner ear (it's toxic to the balance nerve) to destroy my balance nerve so it can no longer send the faulty signals to my brain that causes the severe vertigo attacks. I will have physical therapy to train my brain on how to balance my body with just one balance nerve (my good ear). There's a high risk of a total hearing loss but I'm at peace with it because I can't live with these attacks anymore. I desperately want my life back.
(1,444 posts)Tinnitus post-shingles x 15 years...
Diet change saved my sanity...
That is all...
(1,788 posts)Basic LA
(2,047 posts)Together, the ringing is unbelievably loud. VA docs admit there's nothing for it. I did feel a little better knowing--after an hour-long test--that my hearing is very good, despite the ringing. Small comfort there anyway.
(2,303 posts)My hearing is actually not bad, its worse in the right then the left, and there is some loss, but nothing that requires hearing aids yet. Though I have been told that I will likely need them eventually.
(12,445 posts)They have hearing aides that have built in sounds that disguise the tinnitus, at best its better than nothing. Also found diet and exercise to help. Noticed that when Im lazy tinnitus is worse. I use natural sleep aids to help me sleep. I have had tinnitus since Nam probably due to concussions. I feel ya man, sorry.
(8,608 posts)causes include medicine, ear hair, wax,
its a long list