Related: About this forumI love the I almost served crowd as a vet
I ran into a wannabes maga vets standing in line at grocery store dude had on a jacket with military patches the only two I recognized was a submarine badge and senior Drill sgt badge from army a pumpkin patch seeing the awards as former Airborne infantry to me at 56 its not adding up I had to ask and his trumpig 2024 hat. So I asked this wannabe turd sporting badges and he told me he never served yet hes all about 2A yet his two uncles served.
And here DU vets we actually enlisted and served when we could have just walked around in a jean jacket with awards we never earned dumb asses we were.

(36,594 posts)Response to Duncanpup (Original post)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(69,316 posts)who strut around in tactical gear like they're all that.
I want to tell them: "Dude. I lived it. And you don't see me playing dress up and pretend like some idiotic shit-show."
Then I remember: Idiotic; that's four syllables. They'll never grok what I'm saying.
Which is why these festering bungholes are never for the 1st Amendment, only for the 2nd. They're only capable of flexing their index fingers, and even then, only if they can remember the necessary sequence of muscle movements.
(14,138 posts)Although I find myself as a former Airborne infantry Crunchy wanting to go on EBay and purchase a T72 from some Ukrainian farmer that towed the tank with his tractor yes Aristus Im in the market to purchase used a T64 to T72 low hours.
(69,316 posts)Get a tank with an armored ammunition compartment sealed off from the crew compartment. Unless you want to personally test out your T-72's aerodynamic capabilities under enemy fire.
(14,138 posts)Warsaw pack will blow turrets off cuz ammo is not separated from crew like Abrahams. Yet Im still in the Market for a xtra vehicle 😉 for the wife in bad weather.
It drives me nuts. Most of them are wearing that shit incorrect. Like that parts supposed to cover another part.
My girlfriend and I walked in a gun shop wed never been in. We were going to a range so she could practice shooting with a pistol before she got one. It was cold and light rain. Big kid behind counter said, nice Infantry weather and I was like. Were you in a Infantry? He said no. Gf started laughing . I dont even engage anymore, just bought the ammo and left
(14,138 posts)keithbvadu2
(40,915 posts)"I feel like a great and very brave soldier"
(24,010 posts)... the Tit offensive.
(14,138 posts)IrishAfricanAmerican
(4,207 posts)of addressing one of these MAGA goons, my first question is always, "What branch did you serve in?"
That's usually the end of the conversation.
(3,334 posts)We moved to NC near Camp Lejeune. We would go out for dinner and when we asked for the check we were often told that some Marine had already paid it. So we would ask for the check of a Marine family. We still buy a Marine family dinner when we go out.
(14,138 posts)keithbvadu2
(40,915 posts)The Trumps are not shy about proclaiming how much they have 'sacrificed'.
Visit to Arlington Cemetery reminded Donald Trump Jr. of all his family's 'sacrifices,' he writes
"I gave up my life to move to Washington to help Americans," Ivanka Trump says in Davos interview.
(34,229 posts)I worked for a defense contractor. We had an arrogant manager who mouthed off to the wrong people...he was a Nam vet and claimed he received the DSC. The two people he bragged to were a retired 06 and an 05. This guy pissed off many people and the retired 06 & 05 checked out his claim which turned out to be false...he was terminated on the spot.
(1,696 posts)Love it. I despise stolen valor.
(5,398 posts)with crossed rifles, etc. as a logo. I didn't know about it and saw a guy wearing that crap and asked him if he was an 11B. Of course not, no service. So now the phony warriors even have a brand they can wear.