Related: About this forumChris Hayes Delivers MSNBC’s Lowest 8 PM Ratings Since 2006
Chris Hayes Delivers MSNBCs Lowest 8 PM Ratings Since 2006
MSNBCs great experiment of putting Chris Hayes at 8 PM has turned into a total disaster as All In is delivering the networks lowest ratings since 2006.
Chris Hayes second full month in prime time since taking over for Ed Schultz saw total viewership drop by 32%, and viewership among those age 25-54 decline by 13%. All Ins bad ratings caused The Rachel Maddow Show to deliver its worst ratings month since 2008. Maddows ratings are down 21% in terms of total viewers, and 22% with viewers age 25-54. The Last Word with Lawrence ODonnell had the smallest decline in total viewers at 18%, but suffered a 33% decline with viewers age 25-54.
Chris Hayes is going to take a lot of heat for these ratings, but it isnt all his fault. Phil Griffin and the other geniuses running MSNBC tossed Ed Schultz out of weeknights because they thought they could remake the network as wonk TV, and attract more younger viewers with Chris Hayes.
They couldnt have been more wrong.

(31,443 posts)Either that, or juggle the shows around. I admit, I'm not a Chris or an Ed fan.
(45,558 posts)He talks too fast.
He is the antithesis of Big Ed.
But then again, the election is over and most of the young people who flocked to polls and re-elected president Obama are not going to depend on a passive activity such as watching people talk on the cable for their news.
(1,548 posts)record Ed,Rachel and Lawrence O'Donnell its only Rachel and O'Donnell.Whatta ****up.
I can't watch Chris for numerous reasons. I wish I could, though.
(36,974 posts)... so that I can turn MSNBC on again during dinner time.
(27,461 posts)nice to see quality getting a chance, it's too early to declare it dead.
(62,584 posts)This last election has really worked me over emotionally, along with having a fallout with an old friend over the candidates.
I've been watching less political TV because the pol news is so depressing. I need this break from it all.
is why ratings are down across the board. It also points, IMO, to the difference between us and them: they never disengage. They don't seem to have a life beyond outrage any longer. It's why their POV is over-represented among all media. They just keep yelling about something -- Ill Eagles, Ben Gazzi, the birth certificate -- on the "squeaky wheel gets the grease" theory.
(1,408 posts)I don't watch any of it anymore because I got COMPLETELY burned out from the republicans lying so much and getting away with it ALL THE TIME. (And lets not forget things like one mile wide tornados and no talk of climate change)
Many of my friends are doing the same. They are making a choice to not watch.
Chris is great. It's not him or Rachel!
It's just so effing depressing! And I don't plan to turn on the tv for a long time because I am less aggravated nowadays and actually feel healthier.
In 15-20 years someone is going to make a movie about how the rightwing purposely did not work with the POTUS and purposely let the country suffer terribly ....all in the name of not getting a primary challenge and catering to the far right racists!!!!!
And our kids will ask us how such horrible things like this could have happened.
Just like I asked my parents about some of the awful things from the 1960's. (My explanation to my kids will be harder but I will start the blame with Fox News.)
(24,740 posts)I much preferred his format & content to Chris Hayes' roundtable discussion. I don't want to hear what the pundits think; I want a recap of the day's news & the issues that are important to me.
(28,394 posts)It's too much work to keep up with him. I loved Ed at that time slot.
Now I switch to Current at 8:00 and watch John Fugelsang instead.
(802 posts)I liked the old Air America formula where they teamed journalist with a comedian. With the success of the Daily Show and Colbert maybe the time right for some sort of hybrid show. Sam Sedar and Janeane Garofolo?
(5,276 posts)I don't dislike Ed but I actually prefer smart concise wonky talk. So people like Chris and Thom Hartmann are my kind of talkers.
Also - with his wife's health issues, didn't Ed want to cut back on his schedule?
As for Air America, I did love the old "Morning Sedition" show of Marc Maron and Mark Riley. Maron's bit where he would say he had gotten his hands on Dubya's day timer was laugh out loud funny.
(7,768 posts)I'm trying, really to get into him, but I just don't like his style. Bring back Ed.
(8,322 posts)Five nights a week, after three hours on the radio during the day and a wife who's recovering from a bout with cancer. I really didn't buy the conspiracy theory that he was pushed out.
He's posting pictures on his Facebook page of the fish he's pulling out of the river.
(5,397 posts)Keith !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(38,532 posts)I actually get off on the wonkery. My mom complains that Chris and Rachel are too much alike, both fast talkers. Of course I just look at it as more info, which is what I'm after.
Cooley Hurd
(26,877 posts)No offense to the OP, but the reaction of progressives to another progressive's failure is stunning. Chris's show is one of the most informative on TV, yet some people here are doing a happy dance because his ratings are lower than Ed's.
(24,096 posts)and Hairball is the dumbest.
Still can't watch MSNBC for more than an evening a week or so - or if O'Donnell has an exceptional show and it's posted here I'll watch but otherwise they all pretty well bore me with their 'careers' which seem front and centre all the time.