Related: About this forumThe most imprtant news with which Diane Sawyer started ABC evening News?
Why, the pregnancy of Kate Middleton, of course.
Never mind the continuing fights in Syria, the debates in D.C., any development in Israel, the continuing suffering after Sandy storm.
No, a long story - until I switched to CBS news in disgust - about the line to ascent to the crown, details about her "severe morning sickness" etc. I stopped watchong ABC news after Charlie Gibson left but the local ABC affiliate was the least nauseating and we did not bother to switch. Not immediately.
Bye bye Ms. Sawyer. You lost me years back with your antics with Elian Gonzales and GMA was always the fluffiest.
Except on Sept. 11, when Charlie Gibson was still there. As everyone was speculating on the first plane, the second came and Gibson just sat there, solemn and quietly said: Now we know.

(6,700 posts)Brain Williams is pretty good for straight evening news.
question everything
(49,741 posts)His is really hard news. But if politics is the main topic, it is Brian Williams since I like the NBC political commentators better.
(113,131 posts)and threads like this only serve to remind me why.
The only mystery is why I had the habit of flipping on the news at the dinner hour for so long before getting disgusted and banishing them forever.
(13,303 posts)network news sighting featured John Cameron Swayze.
Marie Marie
(10,100 posts)Saw a few videos of her stoned out of her mind.
question everything
(49,741 posts)TreasonousBastard
(43,049 posts)as many people who care about a knocked up fake Dutchess as care about the budget negotiations, Syria, or anything else except maybe the weather or who will be the Jet's quarterback.