Related: About this forumWhite House slams Voice of America, VOA fights back
Source: Associated Press
April 10, 2020
WASHINGTON (AP) The White House on Friday launched an unusual attack on the congressionally funded Voice of America, the U.S. broadcaster that for decades has provided independent news reporting around the world.
In a broadside directed against VOAs coverage of the pandemic and China on Friday, an official White House publication accused it of using taxpayer money to speak for authoritarian regimes because it covered the lifting of the lockdown in the Chinese city of Wuhan, where the new coronavirus first emerged. VOA promptly fired back, defending its coverage.
Voice of America spends your money to speak for authoritarian regimes, the White House said in its 1600 Daily email summary of news and events. It said VOAs roughly $200 million annual budget should be spent on its mission to tell Americas story and present the policies of the United States clearly and effectively to global audiences.
But, citing a VOA report from earlier this week on the lifting of travel restrictions and easing of the lockdown in Wuhan, the White House said that VOA too often speaks for Americas adversaries not its citizens. It noted that VOA had also recently pointed out comments by Irans foreign minister critical of the U.S.
VOA fired back at both attacks, responding to Scavino on Twitter and defending its coverage as unbiased. It noted that it is required by law to present all sides of an issue.
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(12,712 posts)Donconking attacking the VOICE OF AMERICA. What a picture that paints because it is not just figurative.
He would punch it in the face, shoot it and stomp on it on the White House lawn if he could and the GOP would be cheering, laughing and relishing in the spoils they have plundered from the American People.
What a mobster on watch. He puts some of them to shame, too. They were not able to extend their gang's controlled territory to control an entire country like this one has so far. I mean, its Don Corleone in the Oval Office with Al Capone in charge of the response to the crises.
My apologies to any mobsters who were embarrassed by this missive, since this House Mobster doesn't even have some class. Come on, KFC and Diet Coke? What a low-life.
(9,294 posts)The president is as dumb as a snake turd.
(13,807 posts)This is very weird.
Incidentally, I knew someone pretty well a couple of decades ago who was Russian language expert for VoA. I'm pretty sure, looking back, that he was a spook. A double agent.
(95,913 posts)except those who carry the shithead show with him as the only star. Reminds me of that stupid teevee channel owned by chuckles norris, 90% of all programming were reruns of his stupid assed teevee shows and C grade movies.
(3,109 posts)himself (like Russia and North Korea), he would know.