Related: About this forumThe MSM Forgets To Mention The Last Republican President (Disaster)
The last time we elected a Republican to the White House, it was an unmitigated disaster.
Every single thing Bush touched turned to sh*t.
There is not one single thing in America Bush improved overall.
And another Republican (who everyone agrees would be far worse) may get elected, because the press won't report on Republican President's records.
We are still suffering from Reagan's trickle down scam, and the terror groups he funded and trained.
The MSM are Republican prostitutes.

(1,926 posts)When the Bush Administration was a criminal enterprise ran by the 1%.
Alberto Gonzalez didn't even use e-mail he was so slimy.
No records act covers "conversations".
Bush put all the folks BC pulled out of poverty back into poverty, and then they all lost their homes.
(54,732 posts)if trump wins, he'll make shrub look almost presidential by comparison.
he'll also kick shrub off the top of the list for worst presidents ever.
(189,235 posts)It blurred the line between W and Obama. How many Americans think that Oba s did the bank bailouts?
The media's product is drama. You need two sides for most dramas so they have to keep the right afloat.