Related: About this forumCNN Apologizes for Calling Ukrainian Troops ‘Pro U.S.’
CNN screwed the pooch Monday when a story on the potential of the U.S. arming the Ukrainian military was paired with a chyron labeling the Ukrainian troops pro-U.S:
On Tuesday morning anchor Carol Costello apologized.
The debate in western capitals is actually about whether the United States and other NATO countries should send arms to the Ukrainian military, which is trying to protect its territory from separatists whom the government in Kiev says are backed by Russia, Costello said. The recipients of any military equipment and aid would be the national military of Ukraine, certainly not pro-U.S. troops. I regret that error.

Fred Sanders
(23,946 posts)MattSh
(3,714 posts)then they apologize for it.
But at least they found Ukraine on the map this time. Unlike this one... (Ukraine is not near Pakistan)
And this one... (Well one (Kramatorsk) out of three ain't bad, I guess)
(25,481 posts)dixiegrrrrl
(60,025 posts)It's not like they are a real news outfit anymore, right?