Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forumLegal age of majority.
The fact is that for some activities you must be an adult.
IMO not everyone becomes fit and responsible for all adult activities all at the same age. The current minimum age to buy alcohol (at least in my area) is 21. So you can drive at 16, own the car at 18 and buy a beer at 21.
Any thoughts on the legal age to buy different firearms?
Revolvers, semi-auto handgun, shotgun break action, pump shotgun, rifle single shot bolt, internal mag rifle, removable mag rifle, various rifles (lever action, semi-auto, pump).

(54,460 posts)discntnt_irny_srcsm
(18,630 posts)...I infer that's 110 months (just short of 10 years old) right?
I was looking for a serious answer.
(49,445 posts)I kinda-sorta have reservations about "all guns" to age 21, but it would be more effective than an stupid "assault weapon" ban.
If the choice is raising the age of buying some or all guns to 21, or another AWB, I'm on the side of raising the age.
(18,630 posts)...I think I'm okay with keeping bolt action hunting type rifles and revolvers available to the 18-21 group since those are usually standard for hunting especially in areas with bears and such. Some other guns maybe 21 and up to buy.
Another AWB will be a disaster, lost seats in Congress and lost state level elections.
(34,210 posts)Brain maturation matters and 21/25 allows sufficient time for mental illness to emerge.
Such a rule would not eliminate mass shootings, but it might put a dent in casualty per event rate.