Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forumEvery left leaning liberal American who can lawfully own a gun, should own a gun.
They should regularly familiarize themself with their gun and be both safe and proficient with it. If January 6th had gone differently, it would already be too late for many.
Ceding gun ownership at such disproportionate levels to political enemies is irresponsible and dangerous.

marble falls
(63,643 posts)MenloParque
(534 posts)The average 911 response time in the US is only 10 minutes!! The last thing this nation needs is more good guyz with gunz!!
(11,750 posts)yagotme
(4,058 posts)spin
(17,493 posts)the cops have become reactive rathe than proactive.
They are short handed in many cities and would rather put up crime scene tape than get in a fight with a black man.
Cops today are a lot like cops in the past who were within a couple months of retirement. They are risk adverse. I cant blame them.
(4,058 posts)response time was in minutes. "When someone is kicking in your door right now, the police are minutes away." The Rittenhouse videos were all taken within a few minutes span.
Binkie The Clown
(7,911 posts)sanatanadharma
(4,074 posts)Indeed! Everyone dies, but killing is a choice.
(17,493 posts)than die. Most gunshot wounds are not fatal if treated in time. Plus if a person was willing to kill me they might be likely to try to kill other people and I would not want to see that happen.
(18,630 posts)...a murder requires the action of only one.
(60,988 posts)I'm far more secure than that.
Fuck guns.
(24,457 posts)Ended up buying (X amount) and changing my outlook.
(17,493 posts)ExciteBike66
(2,694 posts)Guns are a problem, not a solution.
(4,131 posts)Im sure theyll be very impressed. 🤣
(2,694 posts)and if you claim those entities will be on "their" side, then owning a gun would be pointless anyway.
I mean, there is already crime in my area, and I don't own a gun. "But but," you say, "what about home invasions and bears and stuff?"
(10,442 posts)Mind you I live in a place that's full of MAGAts and having a couple of guns in my house makes me feel a lot more secured. And have seen black American flags starting to show up. Best believe if I'm dying. I'm going out in a fight rather than on my knees.
(543 posts)Why should liberals cede a valuable right to those on the right? Ownership of a firearm does not mean that you will use it without reason. Get good advice as to what is appropriate for you. After the purchase get proper training. Practice with it to stay proficient. Keep it in a safe place.
It is not a magic wand. Waving it around will not bring a curse on the person threatening you. It is a tool that should be only used when necessary. You must know when, where, and how to use it. Firearms are not for everyone. If you have an anger problem or cannot control yourself do not get one. If you abuse alcohol or drugs firearms are not for you. On the other hand, if you are a sensible adult who makes good decisions in other matters it might be a good time to consider a firearm.
Response to PTWB (Original post)
Post removed
(4,131 posts)I dont insult or demonize anyone who chooses to exercise their constitutional rights. In fact, I advocate for gun ownership amongst all eligible Democrats and left leaning individuals.
There are many, many liberal and left leaning gun owners. But we are still outnumbered 2 to 1 by conservatives. We need to reduce or eliminate that gun ownership gap.
(29,692 posts)I believe that civil war is a very real possibility in this country. Best be prepared for it.
(18,630 posts)...per Sergeant Major Basil Plumley: "Sir, if the time comes I need one, there'll be plenty lying on the ground."
(29,692 posts)No, thanks. Give the Sgt. Major my limited compliments for his pithy but seriously flawed statement.
(18,630 posts)Maybe it sounds like a contradiction but, for me, it isn't.
(11,750 posts)Wasn't at all flawed for the context in which he said it, at the Battle of Ia Drang on November 14, 1965.
There were indeed enough spare M-16's to go around when he needed one.
Dial H For Hero
(2,971 posts)Paladin
(29,692 posts)I've been facing off with pro-gun militants here at DU for more than 20 years. I know a set-up question when I see one. If the shit hits the fan and we have to fight our fascist opponents, you bring your guns, and I'll bring mine. If you're younger than 65 years or so, I've been handling firearms longer than you've been alive.
Dial H For Hero
(2,971 posts)(or at least highly restricted) for civilian ownership? If so, which ones?
This isn't a "set up" question. You're an advocate for (by American standards) strict gun control. Yet you are now proposing that Democrats arm themselves in anticipation of a possible civil war. Given that your position has changed, I think it quite reasonable to ask for clarification.
And I've bee facing off with anti-gun activists since the days of the Usenet in the 90's. Talk.politics.guns....those were the days.
I've only been handling firearms for half a century, myself. Given your experience with them, one wonders which guns you think Democrats should own.
sir pball
(4,983 posts)Marlin 1895 Guide lever action in 45-70 eating high-pressure handloads that spit a 300 grain Barnes TSX hollowpoint at a tick under 2300fps, topped with a HoloSight. It was my brush gun a decade ago, took more than one whitetail with it.
I'm comfortable enough with it that I can fire as fast as I can get the sights back on target, which is perfectly acceptable even with a mere 7's not like I need to double or triple tap like with a 5.56.
Why would you need any more gun than that?
Dial H For Hero
(2,971 posts)over a century ago with good reason. It's hardly an ideal cartridge for a relatively inexperienced shooter. which in context is what we're speaking of. Heck, my choice would be a Springfield Armory M1A SOCOM in 7.62x51 with a scout scope. Again, though, not the ideal choice in context.
For someone in a civil war who won't have spent a great deal of time shooting, I can't think of a better weapon than an AR-15 in 5.56x45.
sir pball
(4,983 posts)If we're talking about people who've literally never held a gun before..
...Ruger 10/22. A 5.56 rifle has enough recoil to be "traumatic"; it's heavy for a novice. And if you think a 22 isn't sufficient, well...heh
Dial H For Hero
(2,971 posts)purchased their weapon(s) some time prior to the conflict. One presumes they're not going to simply put their rifle in a closet and then years later take it out, blow off the dust, and try to figure out how it works now that the bullets have started flying....they'll have at least taken it to the range a number of times and familiarized themselves with it.
As for the recoil of a 5.56 rifle, describing it as "traumatic" is rather hyperbolic You may wish to peruse a recent thread here in RKBA on just that subject (if you haven't already). In it, there's a video of a guy shooting an AR-15 multiple times while it's rested against his nose. No trauma results.
A 6 1/2 lb. rifle is "heavy" for an adult?
(81 posts)It's a cheap soviet semi-auto rifle chambered in 7.62.
Dial H For Hero
(2,971 posts)Heck, a really nice unaltered Russian one can be over $1000 these days.
In the meantime, there are cheap AR-15s going for $400.
But for people in States with bans on assault weapons, the sks is a very nice substitute.
Dial H For Hero
(2,971 posts)And a halfway decent SKS is still only around half the price of a "traditional" looking Mini-14.
I used to suggest that people wanting a semi=auto rifle in states with strict gun laws look at M1 Garands, FN-49s, Hakims, Ljungmans, ets., but at today's prices....not so much. The only rifles I can think of in today's market that you can get for $500 or less are the AR-15 and the SKS, although if you're willing to jump to $700 or so you can still get an entry-level AK.