Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forumWith the current climate, I couldn't resist buying this gun when I found it at a pre-panic price.

It's a CZ Scorpion EVO 3 S2 9mm Pistol Micro w/ Folding Brace. This particular variant sold for around $1200 when it came out in 2019, but the current gun market is considerably different from the way it was then. They're now going for$1500 to $1800, and you typically add a hundred bucks in sales tax to that if you buy it from your local shop, or $40 or so for shipping if you buy it online and have it sent to your local dealer for the transfer.
The only (very) slight downside is that unlike the one pictured above it's finished in battleship grey instead of black which is....meh? On the other hand, it has the original metal sights instead of the plastic flipups by Magpul. Granted, Magpul makes quality stuff, but I prefer metal over plastic in this instance.
I found it for $1284, with free shipping, no tax! This is just about the last "assault weapon" on my list that I was seriously considering buying, but I had written it off because of the price inflation. While I find it unlikely in the extreme that a law requiring that the government confiscate them will come to pass, A new AWB is a possibility. Such firearms would almost certainly be grandfathered, but the prices prior to such a law being enacted would be a sight to behold. Even in the absence of such a law being passed, the push for gun control now that the Democratic Party controls both Congress and the WH will ensure that prices continue to rise for years to come.
It's interesting to note that the other gun discussion group on DU seems to be in a tizzy about braces.....

Aviation Pro
(14,060 posts)Nice find.
Dial H For Hero
(2,971 posts)functionality of one, though. And given what a pain in the ass it is to obtain a real SBR entails ($200 tax stamp, background check, half a year (frequently more) waiting for the paperwork to go through before you can take possession;...and you've had to shell out the cost of the stamp and the gun ahead of time. so all that money gets you absolutely nothing until it's approved.
The massive boom in populatiry for pistol. brraces isn't the least bit surprising, giving that;
(29,692 posts)Things really ARE getting back to normal in this group!
(Sorry---Meant this as a response to OP.)
(15,333 posts)Meanwhile, in that well-known hotbed of right-wingers, Massachusetts-
Gun sales from licensed gun dealers increased 225% 2010-2020,
and ca. 330% 2006-2020
Department of Criminal Justice Information Services
Firearms Records Bureau
State Licensed Firearms Dealer Transactions* 2006-2020
2006: 41,160
2010: 60,649
2020: 135,641
*The transaction data above includes only sales and transfers of handguns, rifles, shotguns, or machine guns by licensed Massachusetts firearms dealers to individuals who have a valid Massachusetts firearms license, and reported to the Firearms Records Bureau via the Massachusetts Instant Record Check System (MIRCS) or paper firearms transfer (FA10) forms.
The transaction data in the above graph does not include:
1. Sales or transfers to individuals or dealers from out of state
2. Registration of firearms, rifles, shotguns, or machine guns by duly-licensed individuals
3. The private sale of firearms, rifles, shotguns, or machine guns between two duly-licensed individuals
Firearms Licenses Active Jan. 1, 2021
Dial H For Hero
(2,971 posts)"trash" Democrats, or acknowledge that your assertion that I did so was incorrect and without merit.
Title: Not a word about Democrats, and using the term "current climate" to reference record gun prices is certainly a fair way to describe the firearms market today, given that gun sales are breaking record on a regular basis, so the term is certainly justified, is it not??
Paragraph 1: A description of the price history of the firearm in question, Not one word about Democrats, let alone trashing them.
Paragraph 2: A brief description of the firearms in question , and its variants. Not one world about Democrats, let alone trashing them.
Paragraph 3: Begins by mentioning the excellent price of the firearm in question (context: in the current market). The statement is then made that a law confiscating such weapons is extremely unlikely to be passed. This factual statement, written dispassionately, does not trash Democrats. (I would note that H. R. 127, which does exactly that, was introduced over a month ago and has zero cosponsors at time.)
Next, the latest version of the Assault Weapons ban is mentioned and it is noted t hat passage of a similar bill is now a possibility, and it's pointed out that people who currently own such weapons (such as the braced pistol in my OP) would be allowed to keep them. Last year's versions had 216 cosponsors, so its passage has far more of a chance of passage than the stricter bill which would confiscate all such currently owned by civilians.
It's then pointed out that if this version of the bill were to become law, although current owners of such weapons would be allowed, they would never be able to sell them. After its passage no civilians would ever be able to purchase, borrow, or inherent an assault weapon. I point out that the prices prior to enactment of such a bill would be "a sight to behold". As evidence of this, I point to the 1994-2004 Assault Weapons ban, which allowed grandfathering of such weapons and allowed them to be sold on the open market.I was going to guns shows at the time, and recall a 17 round Glodck "pre-ban" magazine which sold for around $15 in 1992 being price at $150. And people were buying them. Pre-ban rifle similarly commanded a bit premium over "post-ban"rifles which lacked flash suppressors, bayonet lugs, etc.This is solid evident that were an AWB passed which didn't allow such weapons to ever be purchased, inherited, or even given away. the price of such weapons immediately prior to enactment would be astronomical.
I then point out that even were none of this to be passed, if it were a big issue in the news, the present gun-buying panic would intensify (somewhat, at least) as many gunowners would be fearful of such measures passing, given that the Democratic Party now controls both Congress and the WH.
None of this trashes Democrats in the slightest. It's simply a description the economic consequences in the gun market as a result of Democratic control of Congress and the WH.
Finally, I note that the group on DU dedicated to extreme gun control (its most prolific poster is repeatably calling for confiscation of roughly half the guns in the US, semiautos hat accept detachable magazines. That's around a quarter billion guns.). I spoke of the group being in a "tizzy" about pistol with braces such as my recent purchase. Calling that "trashing" Democrats is absurd,
All right, your turn. What (if anything) of the above supports your position that I'm "trashing" Democrats? The harshest possible criticism with merit is that I gently poked fun at half a dozen or so posters in a tiny group on DU which requires agreement on gun control so strict it wouldn't get even a handful of votes in Congress.
(10,877 posts)Dial H For Hero
(2,971 posts)Dial H For Hero
(2,971 posts)Strange times.