Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forumDick's Sporting Goods destroyed $5 million worth of assault rifles, CEO Ed Stack says's Sporting Goods CEO Ed Stack said his company destroyed $5 million worth of assault rifles as part of its tough stance on guns.
In his new book and in an interview with "CBS News Sunday," Stack shared how the company turned the guns into scrap metal.
"I said, 'You know what? If we really think these things should be off the street, then we need to destroy them,'" Stack told CBS News.

Straw Man
(6,848 posts)This just means more sales for them. The market demand for these rifles hasn't diminished in the slightest. It's a suppliers dream: You sell them rifles that they just destroy. Then you sell even more rifles to fill the demand that hasn't been satisfied.
The manufacturers and wholesalers have already been paid. All this gesture means is that the customer won't buy the rifle from Dick's.
(49,445 posts)In the meantime, Bushmaster, Ruger, Smith & Wesson, Patriot Ordinance Factory, and other makers of AR-15s get to make 5,000 replacements.
(21,598 posts)Great publicity and it didn't cost him a dime, personally.
Response to sarisataka (Reply #3)
friendly_iconoclast This message was self-deleted by its author.
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)krispos42
(49,445 posts)Or returned them to the wholesaler at a small loss.
Or sold them like normal until their inventory was exhausted and simply not bought any more.
Or, God forbid, ignored the hysterical screeching of people irrationally terrified of them, and taking a stand for rationality and intelligence by continuing to sell them in accordance with the law.
Oh well, but at least we've got gun owners motivated and determined to work for and vote for Republicans in 53 weeks.
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)At the time of Sandy Hook I owned 2 semi auto pistols. I had them destroyed as per ATF instructions.
You are so involved in gun mythology that you cannot fathom a simple statement of personal protest.
I could have sold them.
I could have given them away.
However I had come to a personal decision that this type of weapon should not be available to the civilian market.
The only rational thing for me to do is make sure these particular guns never returned to the public market.
For God's sake if I did not want them why in hell would I give them over to someone I don't know?
I meant what I said and acted in accord.
So, when Dicks decided that they did not believe such weapons belong in civilian hands why would they put their existing inventory on the streets by routing them through another retail outlet?
That money was well spent in PR, advertising and personal integrity.
Personal integrity. Something the gun industry, gun lobby and the NRA have little of.
As my Mom would say, "Bless your heart."
(15,333 posts)Granted, the following is a repeat from a few years back- but the classics are alway relevant:
person in the room and purport to "know" what others do and do not "need"
Some are of more than one type:
*The Royalist Gun Owner- "*My* firearms are just fine- it's *those people* (and/or
their guns) that are the problem!"
*The Veteran- "I was (Army/Navy/Air Force/Marines) and (carried/served on) (Weapon
System X). Nobody needs an assault rifle/weapon!"
*The Fudd- Inevitably mentions that they do not own any firearm with post-19th Century
technology and declares that no one needs a gun designed after 1900. If pressed, may grudgingly
accept M-1 Garands.
*The Expert- Claims to know far more about guns than you ignorant sociopathic racist peasants do,
and is not a bit shy about letting you know that.
If confronted by evidence that they in fact do *not* know what they are talking about
(or are simply flat-out wrong) they press on as if they never saw it, a la Donald Trump.
(4,058 posts)you can do as you wish with your personal property. Dick's has shareholders to reckon with, and destroying $5 mil of inventory "just because" will not endear him to them, I believe. Wouldn't go over well with me.
(49,445 posts)You bought two completely legal and readily-available guns, and destroyed them when you felt moral outrage. This means that when somebody else (or two somebody elses) were looking for those types of guns, instead of finding your used guns for sale at the local gun dealer, they bought two MORE new guns from a gun dealer. The gun maker got to make and sell 4 guns, not two, because of you.
Sounds like when the Moral Majority would buy KISS albums for the express purpose of publicly burning them. You know the band members were lighting cigars with $100 bills when those reports made the news!
I question the rationality of Dick's beliefs. I don't care if they're "sincerely held" or any of the other careful phrasing that people use when they step into issues for political reasons. Especially since Dick's is a corporate entity which has and is not capable of having morals, values, or ethics. Dick's Sporting Goods is a publicly-traded legal and financial construct that originated in some paperwork filings in some state government's archives. It does not and cannot have any morals or ethics.
So really what we have is a heartless, soulless corporate entity deciding that "assault weapons" are immoral, but still stacks piles of merchandise made by exploited labor. How many people a year are killed or maimed by the machinery used to make the name-brand sports apparel and gear that Dick's sells? More broadly, how many lives are damaged or ruined by working on that machinery?
Funny how Dick's management team doesn't have a "come to Jesus" moment about that. "Personal integrity". Yeah, sure. From a corporate entity.
You've taken the bait on this wedge issue and continue to wiggle on that hook regardless of how deep it tears into your mouth. "Assault weapon" bans were a creation of the DLC and Third-Way Democrats to make Democrats look tough on crime in a new and exciting way, and it's been backfiring every since.
Loss of the House in 1994, leading to the destruction of amity and cooperation on Capitol Hill between the parties by raging asshole Newt Gingrinch.
The farce of an impeachment of Bill Clinton, which is now empowering Dolt45 because Republicans get to call impeaching him "Democrats getting revenge for Bill Clinton".
George W. Bush, President.
Donald J. Trump, President!!!!!!
Gerrymandering, packing the courts, voter-suppression laws, and all the other goddamn terrible headlines I've been reading here on DU for over a dozen years because of your side's decision to press your "moral" vision of guns to the expense of everything else.
But hey, at least the rifles used at Sandy Hook wasn't an "assault weapon", right? God knows how many more kids would have died if he'd had a bayonet mounting lug!
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)friendly_iconoclast
(15,333 posts)DSG was, is, and probably will remain one of the largest retailers of stuff made in industrial shitholes
by exploited labor.
But they got rid of some guns, so some would now have us believe they have 'integrity'...
(15,333 posts)As see:
(J)oin the others who employ the "prove it" red herring and the utter blindness to what to everyone else is so patently obvious.
The disinterested reader is invited to note just *who* the author of the above diatribe is...
(15,333 posts)Response to flamin lib (Reply #4)
friendly_iconoclast This message was self-deleted by its author.