Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forumThe NRA advocates for 10 year olds to own assault rifles. End the NRA.
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This is disgusting. A disgusting pic of a young child being taught that tools of killing are OK.
Pink stock? What have we become? What has the NRA become, in service of gun marketing and getting votes for Republican tax cuts? Sick.

(6,916 posts)Also I will not discuss assault rifle. If you want to gun-word-nitpick, read Canadas definition of assault rifles and go to another thread.
Or alternatively, lets just ban ALL semiautomatics. Then we dont need a definition at all.
(17,235 posts)It certainly would make all of the innocent targets feel better and live longer!
(13,427 posts)Again .. a "semi-auto" simply means any gun that chambers another round without a manual action. This would include most handguns, and many, many garden variety shotguns and hunting rifles. Perhaps you don't care about terminology .. but the people struggling uphill to pass (ANY) legislation certainly do.
(39,181 posts)It appears they are not assault weapons.
(18,630 posts)...trying to talk sense to one with their fingers in their ears singing to themselves.
(49,445 posts)Your side's definition of "assault weapon" had always been emotional, political, and arbitrary bullshit but it's become such a mainstay of your political identity that you can't let it go.
You're a firearm technology conservative. Not in the left-right political sense, but in the "trying to stop inevitable progress" sense.
You want gun technology to somehow stay locked in 1914. You whine and moan and want to ban and outlaw any technological advancement.
Non-glare black finishes? That's military style, ban it.
Ergonomic pistol grip? That's military style, ban it.
Ergonomic adjustable stock? That's military style, ban it.
TWO ergonomic pistol grips? That's military style, ban it twice as much.
A flash higher? That's military style, ban it.
A folding stock? That's military style, ban it.
Removable magazine? That's military style, ban it.
I'm waiting for you and your side to ban attaching laser sights and flashlights to guns. I'm waiting to see holographic red-dot sights banned. I'm waiting to see rifle scopes over 4x banned. Hell, I'm waiting for all rifle scopes to be banned.
Did you know that they make holographic red-dot sights small enough and light enough to fit on pistols now? It's the next big thing.
What's your opinion on that?
Wait, wait, lemme guess... "That's military style, ban it."
(8,614 posts)Not real, unable to fire ANY form of munitions, Would hurt you ONLY if yo were hit with it, and then not much.
(6,916 posts)That lobbyist, Marion Hammer, is responsible for hundreds of dead Americans, including the parkland kids, in Florida.
The quote says she wants 10 year olds to have guns.
And youre nitpicking about whether the assault rifle shes being taught to hold by her dad is a toy or real?
Come on.
The NRA is a terrorist organization. And those who take its money like Marion Hammer are funders of terrorism.
(6,916 posts)Our society is sick.
Because gun CEOs and Republican donors want to flood our society with guns to acquire money and votes. And they dont care who dies even though they know theyre killing people. That is the definition of terrorism.
And those that participate, like the dad in this picture showing his daughter its ok to enjoy weapons of war, are complicit in aiding domestic terrorism.
(6,916 posts)Also if she carried that on the street wearing those safety glasses shed be at risk of being shot dead by police.
It doesnt matter what the gun is made of. Shes being taught by her domestic-terrorism-enabling dad to love weapons of war. Sick.
(17,235 posts)he bought for her.
(49,153 posts)to his wife and family, and to the world.
Is he afraid of Steve King?
(3,097 posts)hack89
(39,181 posts)llmart
(16,344 posts)hack89
(39,181 posts)sharedvalues
(6,916 posts)Its sick and twisted and its tearing America apart.
(18,630 posts)Okay, sure.
Point 1- That's not a 10/22
Point 2-
(48,013 posts)and other scary foreigners coming here to rape them.
I dated a white Texan woman whose Dad taught her and her sister to shoot all sorts of guns from when they were very young, for protection from Mexicans.
I'm sure some of these paranoid folks are mentally ill and have anger issues. What could go wrong?
Oh, right...
Woman arrested for holding black teens at gunpoint
(3,818 posts)Child firing Uzi at Ariz. shooting range accidentally kills instructor, police say
A shooting instructor is dead, the victim of a gun-range accident. A 9-year-old girl is surely traumatized. And plenty of people, including many gun enthusiasts, are asking: Why give a child a submachine gun to shoot?
The deadly incident occurred Monday morning at a gun range in Arizona that caters to Las Vegas tourists, many of whom drive an hour from the gambling center to fire high-powered weapons.
Charles Vacca was accidentally shot in the head as he instructed the 9-year-old girl how to fire an Uzi, an Israeli-made 9mm submachine gun. As she pulled the trigger, the gun jumped out of her left hand toward Vacca, who was standing beside her.
The family of a shooting instructor who was accidentally killed by a 9-year-old with an Uzi has filed suit, claiming it was unsafe to give the firearm to the girl.
The Uzi was not a safe or appropriate weapon to entrust to a 9-year-old girl like the Child Shooter, which caused her to lose control of the weapon when firing, states the wrongful-death lawsuit filed earlier this month in Mohave County Superior Court.
The lawsuit was filed against the Arizona gun range where the shooting occurred and businesses involved in its operation, attorney Marc Lamber told The Washington Post. It does not name the child who pulled the trigger or her family.
(49,445 posts)Unfortunately, the father didn't pay the price.
I took my 14 year old shooting for the first time about 3 months ago. He's husky and turning into an adult.
I started him off with my .22 rifle, and there was exactly ONE round in the magazine the first few times he shot it.
Then there were 2, then 3, then the full 10.
No way in HELL would I have given him a 9mm full auto pistol. Uh uh!
(5,240 posts)Teaching not only how to shoot, but how to behave when holding a gun is very important.
KrisposKid was very nervous going out... big deal, right?
I didn't try to scare him by exaggerating the kick or noise or anything like that, but he was still nervous.
But once he felt the little bump of recoil and heard the mildness of the report, he eventually relaxed and had a good time.
He even tried out my 9mm pistol (one shot on the mag for the first time) and enjoyed that as well.
I know some assholes like to have their kids or girlfriends shoot a .44 mag for their first time, because watching somebody get a face full of recoiling revolver is "fun".
I am not one of them.
(18,630 posts)What's wrong with them? The character Cameron Poe best answered that question in the movie Con Air:
"My first thought would be... a lot."
(5,240 posts)world wide wally
(21,836 posts)MichMan
(14,425 posts)sharedvalues
(6,916 posts)MichMan
(14,425 posts)
. while many others grew up to become responsible gun owners. We also understood that when Moe hit Curly in the head with a brick, that it didn't mean we could do the same with our younger brothers.
(6,916 posts)The only way to be a truly responsible gun owner today, since your purchases subsidize domestic terrorism through the NRA, is to fight the NRA enough to cancel that out.
If you own guns and you go to the March For Truth and you call Republican Senators and Reps and tell them youll vote against them and you quit the NRA and tell people around you thats probably enough to balance out the harm you are doing by buying guns and ammo.
Edit: I used to be an NRA member in the late 70s, and I learned to shoot to hunt deer. No longer. The NRA used to be an org for responsible gun owners. Today it is a domestic terror organization. Its been taken over by conservative billionaires because gun identity politics gets votes for Republicans.
(15,333 posts)One rarely sees this sort of thing from people not named Falwell Jr., Graham, or Robinson.
You differ from them only in the particular boogeyman you purport to be 'protecting' society from.
On the plus side, your screeds have undoubtedly succeeded in persuading those who already agree with you
to continue to do there's that.
Wounded Bear
(61,515 posts)
(14,425 posts)Please explain why that should require he lose his parental rights and have his child taken from him ?
Wounded Bear
(61,515 posts)My bad if that is it. From the OP the implication was it was a real weapon.
Guess I should have added though I'm not totally sure it was.
(18,630 posts)...from an organization that apparently isn't terribly credible.
(14,425 posts)krispos42
(49,445 posts)They make a lot of them, actually. I have one myself.
And I'm sure you can buy pink stocks for them.
It's a semiauto rifle chambered in .22 rimfire. It's literally one-tenth as powerful as the .223 Remington cartridge that the AR-15 commonly fires.
Used under competent adult supervision, and with a suitably sized stock, it would be just fine for a 10-year-old.
(6,916 posts)Its a real quote.
By a real NRA member
(39,181 posts)Nor should it be. It is a perfect first gun though.
(49,445 posts)DU allows editing. Why do you let blatant misinformation to stand with your name and thus reputation?
And it's a good question, too. After all, you, personally, want to have all semi-automatics declared "assault weapons" and banned.
So you're back on the spot. Even assuming that only "some" semi-automatics are assault weapons and need to be banned, explain to this 10-year-old that putting an ergonomic, comfortable pistol grip on her kid-sized gun turns it into an illegal arm.
You do realize that you've been trying to outlaw common-sense ideas and development for 30 years, right?
Ha! Who am I kidding?
(6,916 posts)discntnt_irny_srcsm
(18,630 posts)Clearly the leading photo doesn't match the narrative written.
As I see it there are a few problems with the photo:
1 Th girl in the picture isn't 10. (I'd be surprised if she was 7.)
2 That's not a Ruger 10/22.
3 It's a toy, not even a real rifle.
It's stuff like this from the media that fires up people and then falls flat due to the inaccuracies. Soon, after a barrage of half baked data laced with propaganda from both sides, folks suffer from information overload and decision fatigue. They're not sure what to believe and too overloaded from work thought intensive decisions about savings, retirement planning, medical insurance and financing their children's college to take on much more.
All this breeds is frustration and in some cases people just stop listening and get angry with any opinion that disagrees with their current thinking. Once you discover that you can't trust some of the media, it becomes a vetting exercise. It gets worse from there.
Oh and does anyone see anything PINK anywhere in that entire photo?
(49,445 posts)
(8,614 posts)krispos42
(49,445 posts)discntnt_irny_srcsm
(18,630 posts)...I'll get my wish before you get yours.
(49,445 posts)You should consider deleting you OP before your metaphorical butt gets spanked even more.
(49,445 posts)It's not the most current thing, but it gives an idea of how ridiculous what you want, is.