Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forum17 yr. old woman defends herself from criminal on the run
Another one of those incidents that never happens. Interesting that the perp didn't snatch the gun from her......since she is, well, a woman after all.

(2,520 posts)Accidental discharge? Damn thing get snagged on your hair or sheets, blanket.
(2,375 posts)ileus
(15,396 posts)Don't buy into the only glock hype. (or slab sided strikers in general) For HD the ole hammer is your friend.
(21,598 posts)she endangered everyone within a two mile radius with her barrel stroking itch to kill. She had so many options:
-sleep with a can of wasp spray under her pillow
-she's young. she could have run away
-even if she couldn't I know a 80 lb. 70 yro lady who incapacitated seven bikers using only a wooden spoon
-and I know a man who is only 6'9", 375 lbs, an Olympic freestyle wrestling gold-medalist who lived in Poughkeepsie back in the "bad old days" and he never needed a gun so obviously she didn't need one either
I'm not even going to talk about beans because this alleged "intruder" was probably just looking for a bathroom and had no ill intent...
Besides, it is better to be a victim:
Glad the young lady was unharmed and had the means to defend herself
(2,375 posts)Precisely. Every idiot knows that .22 long rifle is able to penetrate up to 16 barriers on it's way to mutilating human flesh.
Gun-humping ammosexual coward indeed!
Edited to add: Notice the way the city official shut down the young man. "We can talk about it later......" Didn't want an open and honest discussion.
(15,333 posts)Paul A. Quander, former D.C. deputy mayor for public safety, dies at 61
....When Mr. Quander joined Grays new administration in January 2011, he inherited a fire department long prone to controversy.
In 2013, a D.C. police officer was seriously injured in a hit-and-run accident and had to wait more than 15 minutes for an ambulance, which ultimately arrived from Prince Georges County, because the District did not have enough available.
In 2014, 77-year-old Medric Cecil Mills Jr. collapsed across the street from a D.C. fire station and died in his daughters arms. A city police officer had to flag down a passing ambulance after pleas went unanswered and no one in the fire house responded, even after someone went to that station and said, Theres a man across the street that needs help.
Mr. Quander blamed the firefighters on duty, not the leadership of Fire Chief Kenneth B. Ellerbe. He recommended disciplinary action, but the lieutenant in charge of the fire station was allowed to retire without penalty.
(15,333 posts)pablo_marmol
(2,375 posts)USALiberal
(10,877 posts)SecularMotion
(7,981 posts)The OP is linked to a RW website.
Why can't gun nuts find any liberal websites that support their agenda?
(21,598 posts)Both World News Daily and the Blaze as a source to promote an agenda. However if you would notice post 5 lists a media source that presented the original story.
In your eyes a teenaged victim protecting herself from a criminal is supporting an agenda, revealing...
(18,630 posts)
(21,598 posts)who is pro-control over a Democrat (who also may support gun control)
(7,981 posts)were made to display the depravity of conservative views on the gun issue, not to promote those views.
(21,598 posts)You consider a story about a teen girl protecting herself from a criminal supports depraved conservative views.
Why is that? Is it simply because she used a gun as her means of protection? Would another choice of weapon be more acceptable or is the use of any weapon in self defense distasteful? Or should she have followed the words of the former Deputy Mayor of Public Safety, be scared, be frightened, and even if needed be injured, but to walk away and survive. She would heal and can replace whatever was taken away?
(7,981 posts)MIAMI When 3-year-old Darnal Mundy II grabbed a gun in his home and accidentally shot himself in the head, his parents thought he wouldnt survive. Today, after weeks of intensive therapy, Darnal is talking, walking and slowly regaining control of the right side of his body.
His bright eyes and curiosity about the world around him are what you would expect from a thriving child his age. But the small wheelchair that holds his body and the scars on his head and face are constant reminders of the morning he nearly lost his life.
One nurse told me shes been here for 18 years. She said shes hardly seen children ever survive a gunshot wound to the head, said Dorphise Jean, Darnals mother.
(21,598 posts)At a children's hospital after highschool. It was very inspirational seeing how children could face and thrive in the face of cancer, limbs lost in traffic or farm accidents or even gunshot wounds.
I saw a teen who was shot in the head with a 30-06 in a hunting accident. I never saw blood pour out of a person faster, even people who had been blown up by IEDs. We talked to the surgeon afterwards who gave the boy a 0% chance of surviving; he said he only worked on him to give the family some peace of mind. Three weeks later I brought that kid to the door in a wheelchair where he stood up and walked out to his family car.
But none of that has anything to do with the event here. Would you care to answer instead of trying to deflect?
(7,981 posts)You're attempting to use the "event" to promote gun ownership and keeping firearms in the home.
I've posted an "event" showing the negative results of keeping a gun in the home.
Fact-check: Owning a gun has been linked to higher risks of homicide, suicide, and accidental death by gun.
For every time a gun is used in self-defense in the home, there are 7 assaults or murders, 11 suicide attempts, and 4 accidents involving guns in or around a home.
43 percent of homes with guns and kids have at least one unlocked firearm.
In one experiment, one third of 8-to-12-year-old boys who found a handgun pulled the trigger.
(21,598 posts)I have in the past stated my belief that the majority of people would not be capable of successful self defense with firearms. The vast majority of the people in that group will never seek to purchase a firearm. I still stand by that.
It is unfortunate that Mother Jones does not credit the source of the "facts" correcting that myth. There are other views however-
almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year.
The CDC, which all gun control groups want to study gun violence, accepts that defensive gun use out numbers offense of by 5 to 1 ratio. I would like them to study the issue also.
So there are negative potential outcomes of gun ownership and use, I don't deny that. There are also potentially positive outcomes, do you agree?
Or do you believe there is something morally wrong with using a firearm to defend oneself?
(7,981 posts)I've always heard an armed society is a polite society.
(21,598 posts)Her language?
Just because you've always heard it doesn't make it true. The originator of that quote also invented Scientology
It would just kill you to say it is a good thing she was given access to a firearm to prevent her from becoming a beaten, raped or murder victim wouldn't it? Or conversely to have the moral courage to say I believe guns are wrong and should never be used even in self-defense.
(7,981 posts)sarisataka
(21,598 posts)Survived her encounter with the criminal alive and unharmed.
That seems to trouble you
(2,375 posts).......that pushes people the join the NRA and vote GOP. Citizens are acutely aware that no good-faith conversation is possible with restriction supporters, so they opt to just run over them. Great job!
(21,598 posts)The inability to support a victim who defends herself is the perfect illustration of the moral bankruptcy of the gun control movement. To gun control zealots this girl is not a victim but the aggressor. The gun determines who is the victim regardless of circumstances.
That outlook is what places the Boston bombers on the list of "victims of gun violence" right beside the children of Sandy Hook. The blind hated of guns, which carries over to those who own them, leads such zealots to ignore the circumstances of the action. In their eyes a teenager protecting herself from an intruder is no different from a common street criminal robbing the local convenience store at gunpoint.
To repeat Mr. Quander's point, "It is better to be a victim". There is no concern for keeping innocent people from becoming victims, only in preventing someone, be they criminal or terrorist, from becoming a victim of gun violence.
"You'll heal"
(5,087 posts)did invent Scientology Hubbard did.
(21,598 posts)I meant leave confused the two authors and pick the wrong one as the source.
The point however is that it is a out of context quote from a fiction writing by an author who admits to having radical beliefs.
(2,375 posts)Now I've heard it all. The is how the left earns some of the pejoratives directed it's way.
What could be more pathetic than the idea the criminals need to be protected from foul language?
(15,333 posts)Getting offended by accounts of crime victims actively resisting victimization seems way more pathetic to me...
(706 posts)when you're reduced to using the language card, and mother jones as a resource.
I'm going to get with a sound engineer to discuss the possibility of porting my glock barrel to make a f**k you sound when it fires just so I don't have to say it.
(15,333 posts)Perhaps a more well-versed DUer could enlighten us...
(18,630 posts) have a policy where those who disagree with or simply question the truth of assertions are allowed a voice...
...don't you?
(7,981 posts)Why we have this rule: Democrats are supposed to be part of the "reality-based community." Some amount of skepticism toward powerful institutions is healthy and appropriate, but that doesn't mean every paranoid fantasy is true. Posts about mass shootings being "false flag" operations, 9/11 being a controlled demolition, no airplane at the Pentagon, chemtrails, black helicopters, the Illuminati, or other nonsense make us all look like fools. This website may have the word "underground" in our name, but we are not extreme fringe.
RW gun nuts are a small minority of gun owners and gun owners are a minority of Americans.
(18,630 posts)We pro-RKBA folks acknowledge a place in the party for favoring pro-regulation issues and those who propound those issues.
Some anti-RKBA folks want to further the opinion that those friendly to the RKBA position don't belong in the party.
Isn't always better to allow for open discussion?
(706 posts)Ummm no. He's host of a group with 88 banned members, but the few regulars that do post there are free to troll this group without consequence.
(2,694 posts)so that we can accurately place these incidents next to the 10k criminal shootings that happen each year, and thus determine whether the 2A is worth it...
(2,375 posts)Those who have been doing their homework are aware that even the CDC now concludes that defensive gun use is as common, or more common, than offensive use.
(18,630 posts)Any other parts of the Bill of Rights you think aren't cutting it any more?
(2,375 posts)The fact that so many are oblivious to the concept of the 'double-edged' sword.
(17,502 posts)research ban, by criminologists, to attempt to count them. IIRC, the CDC used an average of those studies. Two studies that I know of put it in the millions per year, one of them funded by a gun control group by a couple of economists who do shill studies for them.
Also, gun laws would affect few if any of the criminal shootings any more than a ban on heroin is preventing the 44K deaths per year. Criminal gangs don't go to gun stores nor do they go to gun shows. LA gangs get theirs from Mexico, in spite of its strict gun laws.
Oh, worth reading