Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forumIn the recent police shooting in Minneapolis
the woman, who called 911, went out in her pajamas and approached the officer on the driver side.
The second officer, on the passenger side, shot at her through the driver's door and killer her.
Can a bullet actually pierce a door of a police car? I thought that these days they are built like tanks.

(113,131 posts)is that a shooter in a firefight can't locate the target. Bullets go right through.
(844 posts)Individual departments make choices with funding ; my Nebraska local dept has enough in funds - but they buy new cars every damn year. They had dodge chargers for last year , got something else in the spring. I wouldn't have noticed how often they change things if not for my mom - who works at a sign company that does their car wraps. She's worked at this place four years this month and done three rounds of wraps for their patrol cruisers in that same period.
(26,366 posts)its strength. Light weight = fuel economy.
(10,136 posts).... For all practical purposes.
(21,253 posts)so I imagine the window was open. Are we sure it was through the door?
(655 posts)because she was talking to the driver.
"Three sources with knowledge of the incident said Sunday that two officers in one squad car, responding to the 911 call, pulled into the alley. Damond, in her pajamas, went to the drivers side door and was talking to the driver. The officer in the passenger seat pulled his gun and shot Damond through the drivers side door, sources said. No weapon was found at the scene."
(322 posts)"Near the end of the alley, a loud sound startled Harrity. A moment later, Justine Damond, the woman who had called 911, approached the drivers side of the squad car. Suddenly a surprise burst of gunfire blasted past Harrity as Noor fired through the squads open window, striking Damond in the abdomen."
question everything
(49,740 posts)Had she been shot through the window it would have been her head or her upper body.
Such senseless event. Even if his pistol happened to discharge, it would have been one shot. But 2 or three?
Binkie The Clown
(7,911 posts)No matter who you are, and regardless of what they try to tell us, the police are NOT your friends.
Exceptions: to summon an ambulance in a medical emergency, or the fire department in case of fire. But even then, if a police car shows up, stay far away from it. Do not make eye contact. Do not engage the occupants in conversation. Do not provoke them. They are armed and dangerous, and prone to shooting people at random for no apparent reason.
question everything
(49,740 posts)let the police approach you.
Still unbelievable.
Lurks Often
(5,455 posts)Police cars are modified from a standard civilian model with certain additional options* to optimize them for police work.
Some departments, notably NYPD have chosen options that allow for a Kevlar panel in the doors and upgraded bullet resistant glass.
*A partial list from memory: heavy duty suspension; upgraded electrical system to handle the increased electrical load of a police car; upgraded cooling system, an oil cooler, higher performance tires and push bars/bumpers.
(26,366 posts)See:
And don't forget "cop motor"...
question everything
(49,740 posts)at a cost of more that $275K to "withstand riots." They are called "tactical vehicles."
As Radley Balko wrote in his book "The rise of the Warrior Cop" practically every city got a SWAT unit fully militarized.
I suppose this was not a SWAT unit..
(18,630 posts)It is IMHO likely that she shot through the open driver's window.
"...theres no way Damond would have had a gun. She often talked about how much better it was in Australia, where people arent allowed to have guns..." Well, maybe it would be better here if the cops didn't have guns.
question everything
(49,740 posts)Had she been shot through the window it would have been her head or hear upper torso.
(49,445 posts)It's essential a sheetmetal frame with a few reinforcing, structural beams inside. There are some other hard spots besides the beams: the hinge area, the lock area, the power window mechanism. And of course there's sound-deadening insulation, weatherstripping, and some wiring harnesses. If a bullet hits something solid it will either deflect (with deformation) or simply splatter. But if a bullet will penetrate 12-16 inches of meat (which is what tactical, expanding ammuntion is designed to do) then a combined eighth of an inch of soft steel won't stop it.
Understand it will rob the bullet of energy, and will make the bullet expand. Both of these will reduce penetration is whatever is past the door. I'd rather be hit by an already-expanded, reduced-speed bullet than the alternative, given a choice.
Cars today are "built like tanks" with respect to collisions with other large objects; there's a video of a 2009 Chevy Malibu in a collusion test with a '59 Chevy Bel Air that makes the tanklike aspect of the passenger compartment of the modern car abundantly clear.
But being able to stop a bullet, which focuses all of its energy very quickly on a very small area is different from having two big, broad cars collide.
This page might be useful... a guy experiments with the protection a mid-to-late 80's Buick door would give.
He puts some posterboard behind the car door to see what would happen with the bullets after they penetrated. The bullets do penetrate, but they are also seriously deflected, spinning and tumbling and slowing down.
(11,996 posts)SQUEE
(1,320 posts)Ford has offered this since '05
(2,375 posts)I was very surprised the first time I saw a ballistics test with .380 ammo. This video uses a car door to test, but I saw another vid where this "impotent" round went through a car windshield both straight-on and from an angle.
Straw Man
(6,848 posts)"Concealment" hides you. "Cover" stops a bullet. Very little on a non-armored car is actually "cover." The wheels are actually one of the most bullet-resistant parts.
(18,630 posts)OT: I watch action movies and you can tell a feature that's been made by a staff with good technical consultants and one that wasn't. If you see the hero hide behind a car door that's a giveaway. If he hides behind the front wheel with both wheels and an engine block as cover, there's a good technical point for realism.