Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forumGuns Make Killing Easy
Typically, the violence was sparked by the most banal of offenses, like one person shoving another in a bar, or a Facebook taunt, or a disagreement over the music at a house party. They occurred mostly outdoors, at virtually any place groups of people gather; at neighborhood barbecues, family reunions, music festivals, basketball tournaments, Sweet 16 parties, public parks. Only about one-third were gang-related or were drive-by shootings typical of gang violence. Even those that were gang-related were prompted, not by criminal activity like drug dealing, but by eruptions begun by a boast, an insult or some other sign of disrespect. Take the guns out of the picture, even if the combatants had been armed with other weapons, like knives or baseball bats, there is no doubt countless lives would have been spared.
The gun lobby gets much mileage from the slogan, Guns dont kill people, people kill people. The Times study shows how far this idea is divorced from the brutal reality of everyday gun violence, particularly in our inner cities. The truth is that Guns dont kill people, they enable people to kill people, more effectively and efficiently than any other widely available weapon. Even grossly incompetent shooters can be multiple killers. In one shooting at a Cincinnati Elks Lodge, according to police officials, as many as half of the 24 victims were not the intended targets. The perpetrators of such shootings are often high on drugs or alcohol. Some barely know how to hold a gun, yet it gives them lethal power over whoever crosses their field of fire. In the shootings surveyed, more than 100 bystanders were killed or wounded, including a 10-year-old boy who was struck in the eye as he peered out his window at a fracas in an Orlando, Florida housing project, a soldier struck by a stray bullet during a shootout in a public square in Savannah, Georgia and a 19-year-old college sophomore killed when a gunman sprayed a crowd outside an Ocala, Florida club. It is the gun that affords this kind of indiscriminate killing power; few are killed by stray knives or baseball bats. Put simply, guns make killing easy.

(15,396 posts)MillennialDem
(2,367 posts)beevul
(12,194 posts)It isn't a gun problem, its a behavior problem.
If the guns were the problem, you'd have millions dead, rather than 10 thousand-ish homicides involving a gun.
(2,367 posts)beevul
(12,194 posts)No, it isn't.
Its a behavior problem, and its very obvious that that's what it is, to those not in the anti-gun camp.
(2,367 posts)less people be dead?
Don't change the number of fights, just the weapons involved...
(12,194 posts)So you may as well be talking about a magic wand that makes all guns disappear.
Its just as likely as your assertion, to happen.
(2,367 posts)beevul
(12,194 posts)Apples and oranges are neat, but comparing them is just plain dumb.
Said in the 1990s:"Banning guns addresses a fundamental right of all Americans to feel safe."
(2,367 posts)beevul
(12,194 posts)And who exactly is it, that is going to bring a case all the way to the supreme court under those conditions?
Nobody, that's who.
Not to mention, that gun cases aren't going to NEED to go to the supreme court, as they're all falling into line with Heller and Mcdonald already.
Said in the 1990s:"Banning guns addresses a fundamental right of all Americans to feel safe."
Nuclear Unicorn
(19,497 posts)discntnt_irny_srcsm
(18,630 posts)...on wands and pixie dust for Hillary's inauguration.
(18,630 posts)You'll note that ranges which allow you to run downrange carrying the bullet in your hand are extraordinarily unpopular.