Gun Control & RKBA
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This message was self-deleted by its author (CompanyFirstSergeant) on Mon May 2, 2016, 08:53 PM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

(14,255 posts)served her political purpose at the time. For better or for worse, nothing she says while campaigning means anything whatsoever.
(8,614 posts)Want one to hang a can on. However I have found a M1a1 for a "reasonable" price. Am contemplating buying both.
The M1a1 is a Springfield.
(1,558 posts)M1 Garand.
Historical reasons, I suppose.
My only rifle right now is an old Mauser.
(8,614 posts)Including one built by Beretta in the 50's.
Hope to be able to purchase both the M1a1and the Sugar. If everything works to plan.
(11,996 posts)the typical Federal bans allow for grandfathering. I got screwed in '94 cause I traded away a Colt AR just months before the ban was enacted - values tripled soon after.
I start concentrating on semis whenever there is a push for more controls.
(1,558 posts)..I knew guys who bought prior to '94 (they were happy)
And guys who did not buy anything or sold what they had, they were pissed at themselves for 10 years.
(24,009 posts)Ok the thing doesn't have any threads at the end of the barrel, and has no bayonet lug. But I have a few 20-round magazines (very reliable), and a SLED for loading single rounds.
Most of my shooting is slow shooting. And in competition I only put five rounds in two magazines for the "rapid" rounds, use the SLED for the slow rounds.
The "naked" barrel shoots just fine, no need to be pissed.
Response to JustABozoOnThisBus (Reply #11)
CompanyFirstSergeant This message was self-deleted by its author.
(24,009 posts)Because of my snub-barreled stubby S&W 642.
Oh, the shame.
This is my rifle,
This is my gun.
This one's for shooting,
... you know the rest.
(1,558 posts)...inverse relationships.
I carry a TWO AND A HALF INCH BARREL Smith and Wesson K-frame revolver. K-frame: police revolver size.
When I was younger, I had a ONE AND SEVEN-EIGHTHS INCH BARREL J-frame. J frame: pocket-carry size.
Oh, the good-old days.
stone space
(6,498 posts)

Puha Ekapi
(594 posts)...UP with you and your weenie obsession?
Let me ask you this: Do you support Native American tribal sovereignty and self determination? Because of past history, we generally find it desirable to be well armed. Do you have a problem with that?
Response to stone space (Reply #6)
CompanyFirstSergeant This message was self-deleted by its author.
(18,318 posts)beevul
(12,194 posts)Lurks Often
(5,455 posts)It's really rather strange that it is only gun control extremists that associate firearms with male genitalia. What are they trying to compensate for?
And why are you recycling previous posts, please put some effort into some original posts, they are always good for a laugh.
(21,598 posts)To be as big a threat to gun ownership as President Obama has been in other words none.
If I were in the market for a gas-operated, magazine-fed semi-automatic rifle in a small to mid-size caliber however, I would purchase sooner rather than later. I expect certain organizations will ramp up their usual fear-mongering and that coupled with over-optimistic boasts from their opponents will cause a short-term increase in demand causing higher prices to the consumer for approximately a year or so.
Puha Ekapi
(594 posts)....but I have purchased and completed three 80% lowers in the last year. Two of them AR15's and one AR10. No registration, no paperwork, no records and 100% legal for those who are not prohibited to own and possess firearms.
Response to Puha Ekapi (Reply #9)
CompanyFirstSergeant This message was self-deleted by its author.
Puha Ekapi
(594 posts)...plenty of powder and ball
(18,318 posts)possibly a domestic maker. Reasons for this type:
1) Upgrade from 30/30 as a well-regulated infantry weapon;
2) Possible re-sale value;
3) They shoot well enough for hunting purposes (see 30/30 above );
4) Cheaper than the AR family;
5) To demonstrate my disdain toward these laws.
theatre goon
(87 posts)...but only because of those who believe that new "assault weapons bans" are coming, even if there is no evidence that such is actually coming.
That's what happened under President Obama, and the inevitable gun confiscations never happened -- I guess it was evitable, after all.
(12,194 posts)Last edited Thu Apr 28, 2016, 01:21 AM - Edit history (1)
Though I have no desire or inclination to own an AR, I've been where you're at. I don't have much of a need for an AR/AK pattern rifle, I have often considered acquiring one.
Mostly now days, the only thing that causes me to consider owning one, is posts like the one above by stonespace. It might actually be worth it to dedicate some funding for an AR, simply because me owning one would irks posters like him/her.
On edit: Maybe an incomplete lower receiver or "ghost gun egg" would do the same thing at a lower price.
Puha Ekapi
(594 posts)lower guy. Not real difficult to complete, you CAN serialize if you wish, but it isn't required. The proper jig, a small drill press and a router with a couple of bits, an hour of time and you are ready to build the rifle on it.
(12,148 posts)picking one up would be a small investment; a Smith & Wesson or Ruger AR can be had for under $600 if you shop around. AR's are still legal even in California and New York, but the handgrip shape legislation makes ban-compliant ones less ergonomic and (to my eye) rather funny looking, so if you one one with a decent grip and adjustable stock and are worried about new handgrip/accessory restrictions, then by all means get one. Or, pick up a few magazines for guns you might want to own someday, as a hedge against unlikely-but-not-out-of-the-question new bans.
At minimum, rifle and magazine prices are going to increase for a while over the next year, because I think sales are going to increase. I don't think an actual Federal ban is likely for many reasons, not least of which is the backlash against the Feinstein non-ban of 1994; if 25 or 50 times as many people own "assault weapons" now as then, and the Feinstein law provoked an immense backlash even though it didn't actually ban AR's and AK's or their magazines at all, then the backlash against an actual ban now would be monumental.
I'm actually in the "thinking about buying a rifle" boat myself, not for a second AR but for a small-caliber bullpup of some flavor; I've wanted an AUG since the late 1980s, but William J. Bennett and Dianne Feinstein priced that idea right out of my working-class reach in the '90s, so I went with an AR-15 instead. Now that I'm a bit better off financially, I may make an AUG or something a financial priority; we'll see. I would hope Clinton would be smart enough to not actually push for new rifle or magazine restrictions, but I thought Gov. Hickenlooper was too until he caved, so I've been wrong before.
(7,981 posts)Response to SecularMotion (Reply #25)
CompanyFirstSergeant This message was self-deleted by its author.