Nevada Background Check Initiative is just common sense
It might be hard to remember with this years interesting presidential race there will be anything else on the ballot in November. But there will be more for voters to decide on, including the Nevada Background Check Initiative to close loopholes that currently allow criminals and other dangerous people to buy firearms without a background check.
Theres strong support for the Background Check Initiative. Nevadans for Background Checks gathered more than 250,000 signatures from Nevada voters to get the initiative on the ballot almost double the requirement. A recent poll by Mayors Against Illegal Guns also shows strong support: 86 percent of Nevada residents including 74 percent of NRA members and 55 percent of licensed gun dealers support requiring criminal background checks for all gun sales.
And just last month the initiative was endorsed by Nevadas largest police association, the Nevada Association of Public Safety Officers (NAPSO).
But in talking to friends about the initiative and reading some recent letters to the editor in this paper, Ive discovered there are some fears about the initiative.