Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forumGun control is losing control
There's no doubt many useful laws fall under the broad umbrella characterization of "gun-control". Those of you who think gun-control is only about laws are missing a lot. "Control" as a verb means: to exercise restraint or direction over; dominate; command. You see in the opposite way the term "liberty" led to the ideals of "liberalism", the facts about "gun-control" have led to organizations like the SAF, the GOA and the NRA being in "control" of much of local, state and federal legislation regarding firearms. All of these organizations and numerous others that derive support from folks as localized as maybe a single county to as wide as those nationally popular have the rights of firearm owners as their core objectives. I've seen writings ranging from visceral hatred to sad laments attesting to these simple facts. These stories are all from pro-control sources.
What news stories often miss is the "control" (via influence of information) that everyday folks develop after reading about an event. This is the only "real control" available. The idea that law can actually equal gun-control is a myth. It's some anal retentive's OCD-like wet dream. But it's something that really doesn't address the issue.
Our government operates with authority derived from that of the people. When the people see abuses of that authority, they act accordingly. The brain-fart of an idea that was sent to the shitter by the decision in DC v Heller was such an abuse. The only real control available in the world is SELF-CONTROL. This is demonstrated year after year, day after day and minute by minute by looking at the record of assaults, incidents of domestic violence, accidents and criminal homicides. The rising wave of self-control that's been apparent over the last few decades is due in part to what you're doing right now, reading on the internet. The global rise of internet based information has tightened the sure and only real control of personal behavior available by making the feedback loop of 'dumb action' to 'logical consequence' to 'learn something' much shorter and more 'in-your-face'.
A private seller being able to actually run a background check on a buyer gives that person a tool and the ability to choose to assure that they're doing the right thing.
As it has been proven by campaigns for everything from designated drivers to safe sex, the individuals in society learn. We are rewarded by those who learn not just with wisdom from their votes during elections but from their day to day smarter choices. Eschewing road rage, giving up cigarettes, not texting while they drive and securing unattended firearms.
Most of this has resulted from people across the country learning and exercising self-control. More results occur faster through information and learning than by laws and enforcement. Don't misunderstand me. We have laws. We don't approve of selling guns to violent criminals and certain others where the risks for abuse of such a tool are high. We shouldn't permit guns to many of those people.
However, facts are facts, except when some useless buzzword factory spews forth "facts" fraught with inaccuracy, contradiction and bullshit. Here's an example:
Hammond was citing AR-15s, first developed for the Army, which are manufactured at the Palmetto State Armory. "I feel like that can be controlled a little bit more," she continued.
The most effective means for control that generates the fastest effects is information. Once your news source is found to be unreliable and inaccurate, your cause losses traction and your message is lost. These articles aren't hard to find and this information is commonly available to anyone who's mastered google. If pro-control folk want to see results, learn. Just as gun owners have learned from all the news about kids shooting themselves and others, pro-control should learn as well.
The internet is a simple tool that anyone can use to learn. Firearms are simple tools that can save your life. Senator Kevin de Leon and number of others are also simple tools.

(3,457 posts)I am sure that all the people who take a .223 round will feel the difference immediately.
We can always count on your very reliable propaganda for gun proliferation. Thank you!
(18,630 posts)Good to know.
(3,457 posts)If we would only become experts on armaments we would be able to convince obsessive gun owners of the error of their ways?
I suspect not.
(18,630 posts)...when you speak about enacting laws, knowing the subject matter is key. Formulating and voting for a useful and good law (maybe UBCs for example) would help everyone. Senator de Leon has lost credibility with anyone who cares about facts or any useful laws.
Having the MSM incorrectly throwing about terms that are just stupidly wrong erodes the already tenuous credibility some sources may still have.
All I can infer from the MSM lies and mistakes is that circulation, hit count and readership are meaningful and that facts don't matter.
Agreement can lead to progress but reaching agreement means that we all need to speak the same language.
Banning AR-15s while leaving a semi-auto .30-06 deer rifle with a solid wooden stock available makes no sense whatever.
You won't find many owners interested in registration.
Addressing the small number of accidental deaths via the fraction of those that may be eligible for hypothetical insurance compensation based on a legal mandate of insurance isn't looking at the big problem.
(12,148 posts)is kind of a big screwup, if it were actually a screwup.
I would say that it's a deliberate misrepresentation when the gun control lobby does it, but that's just me. An AR-15 isn't just "not high powered"; it's one of the least powerful rifles on the market, and one of the least misused of all weapons.
You do know that twice as many people are killed by bicycles as are murdered using rifles, right? Even shoes and fists kill more people than rifles do, per the FBI.
(18,630 posts)

Straw Man
(6,848 posts)

Even these?

(2,375 posts)You go after one point in a lengthy and thoughtful post, studiously avoiding the rest........and can't even avoid screwing that up!
Excellent example of the manner in which Democrats piss away their moral authority and push voters to the GOP.
(18,630 posts)...IMHO.
(3,457 posts)You really believe that we Democrats piss away moral authority to you Republicans by not knowing about the grain weight of a particular round? It's like saying I have no right to moral outrage when I criticize your predilection for starving small children by hogging all the Hollandaise sauce and you reply that it's actually a Bernaise sauce.
(15,333 posts)Last edited Wed Mar 2, 2016, 06:35 PM - Edit history (1) clowns and knaves like Deleon, Leland Yee, and Dianne Feinstein.
Speaking of mendacity, do you have any evidence that pablo is a Republican?
Atheists are about as popular with Republicans these days as pulled pork sandwiches at
an ISIS picnic, so I rather doubt it.
Corrected on edit: I referred to the wrong person, and corrected the name
(3,457 posts)There are plenty of Republican atheists who play the rubes with their phoney piety. You're as big a sucker if you believe they are truly believers.
(I personally believe there are plenty of atheists in most institutions of organized religion.)
And when someone intends to insult me, I do the same in return.
(15,333 posts)Protip: Someone who implies that they are smarter and/or morally superior to
their opponents might forget that their purported inferiors are perfectly capable of noticing
when that 'superior' person uses a baseless slur.
The 'inferiors' might also notice when said 'superior' person elides the question when asked about that slur.
Bafflegab and mendacity, indeed...
EDIT: Referred to wrong person, corrected
(2,375 posts)Quite a shocker! When highly-credentialed bona-fide liberal criminologists refuse to sing the rancid party tune on gun restriction, they're branded as "NRA shills":
And when bona-fide liberals refuse to sing the rancid party tune on gun restriction, we're painted as Republicans. (No True Scotsman, anyone?) I mean, I could honestly state that I donated the maximum legal amount to President Obama's first GE campaign.......and have donated $750 to Bernie's campaign --- but I could be lying, of course.
In a perfect world, a DU administrator would pipe in here and point out that it would be highly unlikely for a Republican to donate to DU at the level that I have, while dealing with the mendacious smearmaster appropriately........but ours is hardly a perfect world. Ugliness that would result in an immediate sanction (or possible tombstone) in other forums are forgiven when they are directed at a "Gungeoneer".
As I've mentioned before, the San Diego Sheriff's Dept. has signaled that shall-issue is coming to California. In the past, it used to be necessary to demonstrate proficiency to both a firearms instructor, then the Sheriff in order to obtain a CCW permit. The requirement to demonstrate proficiency to the Sheriff has been dropped. Hmmmmm..........wonder why that is? It'll be a gas watching The Controllers hiss, foam and scream when this happens; predicting "blood in the streets" as they always do.
(2,375 posts)Last edited Thu Mar 3, 2016, 04:40 AM - Edit history (1)
We piss away our moral authority with the type of dishonest "debate" that you and others engage in, and with our CONSTANT, UNRELENTING LIES on the gun violence issue which is seen by honest citizens for what it truly is. Ugly culture war.
The lie regarding the "super lethality" of "assault weapons" is only one of countless examples.
(18,630 posts)...from which you approached replying. Let me be clear, I always try to remember to use the thing if there is even a hint in what I write. There is none here. An honest thank you for replying because it does show that you are genuinely interested in the topic and expressing an opinion.
The basic purpose of my OP was to ask for accuracy in the discussion. With the sentence "I am sure that all the people who take a .223 round will feel the difference immediately." I understand you are saying that those shot by an AR-15 aren't any less shot. I agree. The person who said that, who was quoted in the linked article, was using the term "high-powered" in to justify an opinion that AR-15s are due some special regulation and consideration BECAUSE they are "high-powered".
The term "high-powered" refers to the ballistic energy inherent in the round for which the firearm is chambered. As an example, the .22LR is quite low at 277 Joules. The .223 used in many ARs is as high as 1807 Joules. The .338 Lapua Magnum used in various sniper rifles is over 6800 Joules. The .50 BMG is extremely high compared to these others exceeding 20,000 Joules. Most people consider the round used in many AK-47 style rifles, the 7.62x39mm, as intermediate power, nearly 2200 Joules. The .30-06 is higher at almost 3000 Joules.
With all these figures in mind arguing that anything acceptable for hunting deer is high powered that may be seen as justified. The energy figures I mentioned above have mostly to do with effective range and penetration. Since even the lowly .22 has been used effectively to kill, references to high-powered have no place. A .22 revolver was used to kill RFK.
What all this means is that the term "high powered" has no place at all in a discussion about gun-control. If I were an uninformed person, I may conclude that certain firearms might be safer if they can be characterized as "low powered". This would also be just as wrong unless BB guns are included in what we consider as "firearms".
And now, on to another issue.
Proliferation: a rapid and often excessive spread or increase.
Propaganda: ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated and that are spread in order to help a cause, a political leader, a government, etc.
The "propaganda" I want to spread is about the discussion of gun-control and that Propaganda has no place in it. Your implication that what I wrote had any aspects of propaganda is what I call propaganda. Please tell us all how you justify using the that term at all. I think I deserve at least an answer. Repeating canned phrases without facts or logic that support those statements I suppose could be considered propaganda. You did that, not me.
Nothing I say here will increase gun sales anywhere. I can't imagine a more tenuous characterization of my remarks. I think maybe your reply tends to support everything I said in my OP.
I give thought to my posts here. I read what others say. I take time to research information. I'll read anything that anyone may say in reply here. That's out of my respect for other members, the group and admins and all those who use their time to engage in honest discussion.
(3,457 posts)Pedantry is not particularly useful in addressing the problem of gun deaths.
You can know every single technical fact about guns and ammo and it will not accomplish gun control.
Straw Man
(6,848 posts)Pedantry is not particularly useful in addressing the problem of gun deaths.
Nor is legislation drafted out of pure technical ignorance. Attacking .223 but not far more powerful rounds, like pretty much any deer-hunting round, is a case in point. The .223 is low-hanging fruit because most of the rifles that shoot it are scary-looking. But calling .223 a "high-powered" round is simply erroneous, whether it arises from ignorance or deliberate misrepresentation.
And if you don't know a single technical fact about guns and ammo, you will come up with control measures that are simultaneously draconian and useless. Is that something to be proud of?
(18,630 posts)...the GOP will work against it just because Democrats are for it. Vilifying them and complaining about them will not improve the situation. Maybe lots of them are only against gun-control because most Democrats are for it. The only answer to actually get what you want is through bi-partisan cooperation. The only means to that cooperation is to have constituents to whom the issue matters on your side or, at the very least, not against you.
You're not in the GCRA forum. I don't look there much but last weekend I didn't see a lot of activity. If your interest is only to bemoan the lack of progress, you're responding to the wrong person. I don't see any meaningful progress but I do see progress as possible.
I said a number of times that the AR-15 is currently the best selling of all rifle styles. Many here including me have said that of all types of firearms, rifles are used to murder least. If you need to know why ARs are often used in spree shootings, the likely reason is just that they have been the most popular style for rifles for a time. If you could ban them, another style of rifle, which would for certain and for sure be functionally as deadly, will become the 'best selling of all rifle styles'.
Why do you feel banning things will address gun deaths?
(3,457 posts)In the decade after the gun control law was passed, gun homicides fell by 59 per cent and firearm-related suicides fell by 65 per cent. There was no related increase in non-firearm homicides and suicides.
(17,502 posts)it is a logical fallacy called post hoc ergo propter hoc. Oh, and there isn't even a correlation.
and there is no evidence that gun suicide rate had anything to do with the NFA since the number of gun owners remained the same, and the fact that the suicide rate wasn't affected. BTW, they only confiscated registered guns from licensed owners, which has nothing to do with the biker gangs that are buying smuggled guns or making their own automatic weapons.
(3,457 posts)Fact: In the first 24 days of 2015, police in the US fatally shot more people than police did in England and Wales, combined, over the past 24 years.
Behind the numbers: According to The Counted, the Guardians special project to track every police killing this year, there were 59 fatal police shootings in the US for the days between 1 January and 24 January.
According to data collected by the UK advocacy group Inquest, there have been 55 fatal police shootings total in England and Wales from 1990 to 2014.
(17,502 posts)Historically, the reason cops aren't armed is because people did not want anything resembling the British army, which didn't have a high human rights score in those days. Also, even though there were no gun control laws until after the first World War, neither criminal nor cop used guns for some reason. Simply the culture. However, there are documented cases of bobbies borrowing pistols from passing citizens when needed. CCW was kind of common in Europe until about the 1930s, even though the crime rates were lower than now.
(3,457 posts)We're number one in that too?
(17,502 posts)we are more like 112 and it isn't evenly spread out. A few of our cities, like Detroit, Chicago, and Newark, are as bad as Honduras and Mexico, while other parts a few miles away are safer than Western Europe.
What is the issue?
When you look at the worst cities in the world, including the ones in the US, this is what they have in common.
extremes in wealth inequality, lots of poverty
gangs and gang warfare
hubs for drug trade routes
political corruption on the local level
poor infrastructure.
That is why Detroit, Chicago, DC, Newark, Memphis are the way they are.
(18,630 posts)Since the NON-GUN US murder rate exceeds the OVERALL UK murder rate, YES the US is objectively and without any relation to guns more murderous compared to the UK. We aren't the worst in the world but we are worse than the UK.
(7 posts)discntnt_irny_srcsm
(18,630 posts)1- work with gun owners to formulate and pass new laws that have a shot at lowering crime.
2- keep driving that ban-wagon looking for new converts and complaining about getting nothing accomplished.
3- move to Australia; of course you can pick but my choice would be Perth on the West coast; good climate and it's growing.
(70,765 posts)discntnt_irny_srcsm
(18,630 posts)...what would you suggest as a penalty to suicide?
(39,181 posts)you are not going to find the people you need to talk to here at DU.
(3,457 posts)In a scathing critique of ABC's recent report "Young Guns," Dana Loesch stated that most gun deaths were the result of gang violence; therefore, America has a gang problem, not a gun problem. Her claim appears to be supported by sites positing that "a staggering 80 percent of gun homicides are gang-related." As it turns out though, not only is her statement factually incorrect, as the majority of gun deaths are suicides, but there is not a shred of evidence to support her characterization that gangs are the driving force behind firearm violence.
Unfortunately, Dana Loesch's sentiment is shared by many gun advocates, including the Executive Vice President of the National Rifle Association, Wayne LaPierre, who, when opposing firearm background checks said, "President Obama should be as committed to dealing with the gang problem that is tormenting honest people in his hometown as he is to blaming law-abiding gun owners for the acts of psychopathic murderers."
So, do we have a gang problem or a gun problem? Data collected by the National Gang Center, the government agency responsible for cataloging gang violence, makes clear that it's the latter. There were 1,824 gang-related killings in 2011. This total includes deaths by means other than a gun. The Bureau of Justice Statistics finds this number to be even lower, identifying a little more than 1,000 gang-related homicides in 2008. In comparison, there were 11,101 homicides and 19,766 suicides committed with firearms in 2011.
Emphasis added
(39,181 posts)Don't want to blame gangs? Ok. But lets not forget that the places where gangs are prevalent also have very high violent crime rates. The vast majority of Americans live in safe areas with low murder rates. And that includes most gun owners. So how about we look at where murder is common and focus on those neighborhoods and those people? Regardless of whether they are gang affiliated or not.
(3,457 posts)used to blunt gun control efforts and they are not really concerned one tiny bit about those victims.
How about we shut down gun dealers that are known to supply the vast majority of guns that are traded in those high crime areas?
(39,181 posts)makes perfect sense to me.
Nuclear Unicorn
(19,497 posts)discntnt_irny_srcsm
(18,630 posts)As others have replied, pursuing and prosecuting illegal sales is what the ATF and state/local LEOs should be working on. I strongly support those efforts. The dealer/FFL involved should be running BGCs and documenting sales. I support the EAs published early this year to expand staff and funding and hope for good results.
OTOH I don't see how shutting down a legally operating business will help anything. If these 'majority suppliers' are breaking laws then they need to not only be shut down and have licenses revoked but those acting illegally or just looking the other way need to go to prison as well.
(3,457 posts)More than a decade ago, Chuck's Guns was named the nations No. 1 source of crime guns. Despite protests and lawsuits, it's still ringing up sales....
...According to a 2014 University of Chicago Crime Lab analysis, over 1,500 guns that were recovered and traced to crimes in Chicago in the previous five years came from Chucks far more than any other local dealer. (The store and its owner, John Riggio, declined repeated requests for comment.)
Chucks has never faced criminal charges, and continues to operate freely. This, despite mounting evidence that its become a favored supply stop for criminals in Chicago and beyond.
(18,630 posts)Investigations continue and lawsuits are pending.
If something illegal is being done by the business, I hope it is discovered and prosecuted quickly.
(3,457 posts)"We sold those guns to legal purchasers..."
Who just happened to sell them in third party sales that put those weapons in the hands of criminals.
And so it goes.
Straw Man
(6,848 posts)"We sold those guns to legal purchasers..."
... in strict compliance with federal and state laws. That's why they're still operating.
The purchasers of these guns then committed a crime by selling them to "prohibited persons." The shop had no control over that and no complicity in it.
There's a very simple reason that guns from Chuck's show up at crime scenes in greater numbers than guns from any other shop: Chuck's is the largest dealer in the area. Let's assume that a certain percentage of guns sold legally in shops are going to end up crossing over to illegal ownership. If Shop A sells 1000 guns a month and Shop B sells 10 guns a month, which shop is going to have the larger number of crime guns traced back to it?
Is the writer of the article really unaware of this? Or deliberately obtuse? Either way, it doesn't say much for her journalistic skills.
Did they successfully make these purchases? The article doesn't say. If they did, why couldn't they make a conviction stick in court?
The real way to attack straw purchases is to go after the straw buyers, not the shops. They are the ones actually committing the crimes.
(17,502 posts)If purchaser used the prohibited person's money, or sold at a profit, it violates the Gun Control Act and IL law. I'm quite certain that none of the gangsters and drug dealers that make Chicago such a shitty place to live have FOIDs. Selling a gun to someone without a valid FOID violates IL law.
The ATF could give local police the relevant information to ask the original buyer if they still have required information about the buyer on hand or not.
(12,148 posts)Duckhunter935
(16,974 posts)And just how many times are rifles and under that, AR pattern rifles have been used to murder?