Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forum3 Myths Gun Lobbyists Want The US Population To Believe As Fact
But, gun nuts and lobbyists are trying to dissuade public opinion on the issue of guns. They hide behind the Second Amendment like its a sacred cow, carrying loaded assault rifles in grocery stores to intimidate the publics mind on the issue.
Yet, even responsible gun owners and a majority of NRA members believe in a comprehensive expansion of some gun regulation.
Its important this month to realize many of the claims gun lobbyists throw out there are pure bunk. Here are three myths gun zealots often toss around, and why theyre absolute rubbish.

(16,974 posts)June?
You do know we are in September now, right?
(7,981 posts)Duckhunter935
(16,974 posts)Google dump of the day?
(7,981 posts)If I were to discuss your center-to-right viewpoints on the gun issue, it would not promote a positive atmosphere.
(16,974 posts)Those are my viewpoints too, just more center and I guess socialist as I tend to support Bernie.
(12,194 posts)Last edited Sun Sep 6, 2015, 07:37 PM - Edit history (1)
Lets see:
You went to a meeting of a group known to work against Democrats, funded by a known anti-gun megalomaniac racist 1 percenter.
On edit: it wasn't you, it was one of the folks you agree with.
You cite as authoritative one of the most anti-gun orgs that exists, the VPC.
On edit: it wasn't you, it was one of the folks you agree with.
You post an article which itself has far more lies, fallacies, and equivocation than the things it claims are myths.
And now you're trying to find cover behind "center to left"?
I think not.
(16,974 posts)and tries to fall back on that lame argument. Back to ATA sooner than later I assume.
(39,181 posts)all you are intellectually capable of is cutting and pasting some one else's arguments?
No wonder gun control is a smoking wreck in America. No wonder a moron like Ted Nugent is kicking your ass on regular basis.
(15,396 posts)
(2,493 posts)And it said that when there were fewer guns in Australia there were fewer suicides by guns. Notably, it didn't say there were fewer suicides, which leads me to believe there were more suicides by other means. In other words, misleading.
(12,194 posts)It is hard to believe an article that starts out with a bald faced lie, and proceeds from there with dishonest equivocation. I thought you were for being reasonable, but citing this garbage as if its factual, shows quite plainly that you aren't.
Lie number one front and center. The law is NOT circumvented, since it was never intended to apply to private sales.
Equivocal deliberately ambiguous scaremongering.

It is good to know that 'confiscation' is included under your definition of 'buyback'.
So reasonable.

Your 'piece' is nothing more than dishonest equivocal agenda driven propaganda.
(16,974 posts)Any firearms sold by a dealer at a gun show must go through the NICS background check. All private sales within the state are the same, either at a gun show or not. It is up to state law. Most booths are run by dealers at the shows.
another lie
Internet sales do not require a background check, news to me since all of my weapons purchased over the inter had to by federal law be shipped to an FFL and a background check completed prior to me getting them.
I would love to discuss those facts with the OP but he fails to respond. Wonder why?
(7,981 posts)beevul
(12,194 posts)Duckhunter935
(16,974 posts)SecularMotion
(7,981 posts)Myth #2: Gun control cant prevent suicides.
Myth #3: More guns means were more safe.
Nuclear Unicorn
(19,497 posts)Let's try this some other ways --
"Those who had books censored hide behind the First Amendment like it's a sacred cow..."
"Those who were tortured into confessions hide behind the Fifth Amendment like it's a sacred cow..."
"Civil rights activists hide behind the Fourteenth Amendment like it's a sacred cow..."
"Journalists hide behind the First Amendment like it's a sacred cow..."
"Medical marijuana dispensaries hide behind the Tenth Amendment like it's a sacred cow..."
"Women suffragists hide behind the Nineteenth Amendment like its a sacred cow..."
'Hindus hide behind the First Amendment..."
Well, you get the idea.
Hopefully, you also get the idea of just how stupid the commentary in the OP sounds.
(12,194 posts)Surely our interlocutor objects to those as well.
Nuclear Unicorn
(19,497 posts)ileus
(15,396 posts)
(16,974 posts)They do not seem to want to advertise who came up with it. But I suspect NY=Bloomberg
(16,974 posts)here is this months calendar.
Do please tell which one, there are so many to choose from
(8,614 posts)best place for it.
(7,981 posts)Duckhunter935
(16,974 posts)just shows how idiotic your posts are.
Let me put this here as I am sure "someone" might get mad and alert. That person tends to do that to me, whoever they are.
Note to jurors, I did not say the poster was idiotic, I am sure he is not.
(7,981 posts)Duckhunter935
(16,974 posts)I'm not the one that should be ashamed with the content of my posts. I look at it like this, the more people see those posts the better. Proves how bad your posting is. Did you select your September event yet? Go to #20 for the link, there are many to choose from
(7,981 posts)There's no shame in bringing attention to efforts to reduce gun violence.
The shame is on those who oppose all efforts.
(16,974 posts)I hope you do not mean me on the second part as that would be an outright lie and I would expect an apology from you. Let's see any link you can come up with saying that by any poster here in the group or DU.
(15,333 posts)And they knew that perfectly well when they wrote it.
(16,974 posts)notice how he has just disappeared from this thread. What the hell, he does not think he will be challenged, a host posting a lie?
Bet I get alerted on this post by some person. I have "no idea" who that person is but he or she loves to alert on me.