Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forumSo once the Second Amendment is repealed (x-post)
from GD
and gun ownership prohibited, who will be entrusted to enforce this?
I am curious how much power we will allow police to have for enforcement. Will police arrest anyone in possession of a gun as they encounter them, will we allow the police to go house to house and confiscate guns or will it be like illegal immigration and left up to Federal enforcement?
Will any additional weaponry be authorized for use in enforcing the new paradigm?

(15,396 posts)We shouldn't even have to discuss allowing LEO's the power to crack skulls and take what they want from us.
(18,318 posts)1). Massive prison building programs
2). Massive diversion of LEO assets
3). Massive incarceration
4). Massive black market networks
5). Thundering corruption
6). Increase in violence to effect 4)
7). Little discernible effect on the purported benefits (if any were enunciated) of prohibition.
8). Massive decline in respect for LEO and governing institutions
9). Massive social costs in terms of family break-up, lost earnings, loss of tax base
If any of this sounds familiar to other prohibitions, it is. The big diff is that tens of millions of Americans will do more than ignore or get around such a measure. They Will resist such a move.
(4,633 posts)gun confiscation can be attempted without a civil war.
You remember all the nut jobs freaking out over Jade Helm? Bundys ranch? Oath keepers in Ferguson and on the border? For every open/concealed carrier that steps into the light of public view, hundreds more are the shadows. A civil war would be playing right into their hands. I'm not saying they would win, only that they ARE going to die trying, and will take a great number of innocents with them.
(12,194 posts)However, I'd add, that most of the groups you cite, and the individuals within them, regardless of their politics, in all likelyhood just want to be left alone on the issue.
I'm not so sure that a civil war is something that they or anyone else want.
(21,598 posts)the actions would be implemented.
Much like we are seeing in New York, most people would opt for non-violent non-compliance. It appears that mostly law enforcement is siding the citizens.
Though I do not support draconian action I do critical thinking which includes how will we accomplish the idea. It appears so far that those wanting all guns confiscated or even a significant number removed from public hands have absolutely no idea how to do it. They hope it will just happen.
(4,633 posts)who are in favor of it, I always ask them to keep one thing in mind - Are YOU ready to give up the protection of the 4th Amendment?
(18,630 posts)"Out of every one hundred men, ten shouldn't even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back."
So of those 80,000,000 gun owners, if Heraclitus' approximation was close to correct, more than half a million armed civilians would make ample warriors, not just Summer soldiers but warriors. A warrior is a veritable pit bull in a battle. They learn fast, they have courage in the face of superior forces and they do what it takes. I'd guess many wouldn't feel good about fighting other Americans.
I hope to never see that. There wouldn't be a winning side.
(15,333 posts)It would make the Troubles in Northern Ireland look like a minor football riot
(18,630 posts)"By not trusting everything to Fortune."
(25,497 posts)GGJohn
(9,951 posts)Despite it being against Federal law?
virginia mountainman
(5,046 posts)You going to enforce it??
(12,194 posts)Unjust is unjust.
(470 posts)
as well as this

do you support civil disobedience?
Malcolm x had this to say,
(6,185 posts)You might want to edit your sig line since you obviously don't believe in it and add something like; "... except for gun nutz, it's OK to confiscate their property with extreme prejudice if needed".