Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forumSandy Hook families file complaint against NRA
The complaint, which also alleges improper funding of dozens of legislative campaigns dating back to 2003, was presented to the State Elections Enforcement Commission by Carlos Soto of Stratford, whose sister, Victoria Soto, was a teacher who was killed while trying to protect her class of first-graders; by Sarah Clements, whose mother, second-grade teacher Abbey Clements, survived the shooting; by Po Murray, the mother of four former Sandy Hook School students; and others.
I will not stand by and let the gun lobby bully us around through illegal campaign-spending practices designed to politically destroy those who might disagree with them, said Sarah Clements. I think we have plenty of evidence that shows the NRA is pushing people around at every level, the 19-year-old college student said in a phone interview Wednesday. Theyre not above the law.
The group charges that the NRA funneled about $11,000 in so-called independent expenditures to oppose Malloy last fall. Itemized expenditures included $4,000 to pay for office staff at NRA national headquarters in Virginia, according to the complaint.

(9,951 posts)can't go after the manufacturers due to the PLCAA, so they go after the NRA instead.
Well, good luck with that, many have tried, all have failed.
BTW, any comment on this dump?
(6,185 posts)I've noticed that all the "discussion free" posts he cuts and pastes seem to wind up being about what some gun controller "proposes"; a law "they are going to propose soon"; about "a suit they filed", or what some basement bloggers opinion is on what "should be done".
They never seem to be about any gun control that was ever actually passed, or how much $$$ a lawsuit actually won in damages from the NRA/SAF, gun store etc.
When you get down to it, his posts are a record of the consistent failure of gun control and gun controllers as losers.
Juxtaposed with the other 2 or 3 posters; insisting there are "fewer gun owners", "90% of Americans agree" with them, and our latest version of the angry "Know It All", it's pretty funny.
(16,974 posts)To bad he refuses to discuss his dumps per the SOP of the group. That in itself is very telling I think.
(18,630 posts)Since control is a myth, most all of the purely gun control based activities are destined to fail.
>> Ban certain guns on what they "look like"? Now there's a big loser.
>> Register all guns in a national database? Yeah, right.
>> Mental exams for those who intend to purchase? Big winner there.
Most of the laws passed were developed by or in cooperation with gun rights supporters.
Progress in RKBA is continuing mostly unaffected by occasional fascist attempts by the control side. All 50 states have some type of CC and several require no permit at all. DC and Chicago bans are history.
The Sympathy and Wet Hanky Group is doing what is known as "losing". Losing money, losing court cases, losing elections...
(16,974 posts)Have gotten from him is daring me to alert. I already had and that dump was locked for being in violation of the SOP. One step to far.
(7,981 posts)
(16,974 posts)ileus
(15,396 posts)Nuclear Unicorn
(19,497 posts)What an embarrassment. Typical Controller rhetoric. Anybody who doesn't fall in line and chant the same chants is "bullying" and "attempting to destroy." Yet, she's the one trying to use the force of law to silence dissent.
Her comments say more about her than the NRA.
(6,185 posts)Like we had to help you and your little friends keep track of the actual court results about the Colorado (Brady) couple that sued, lost and owed a shitload of $ in legal fees?
But then the posts were all about how mean those evil gun people were, for making those "poor people" pay for the legal fees to those big bad gun companies.
Keep encouraging these suits. So far, taxpayers in the cities like Chicago, San Francisco and DC are major contributors to the NRA and SAF. And they don't even get a free T-shirt or shooting cap for the millions siphoned away from schools and other services to chase your fantasies of gun control.
This will be another one that runs up a few hundred thousand $ in legal fees. When they lose, they will also be required to pay the winners legal fees.
Still waiting for a post about when the NRA/SAF/NSSF/gun dealer/distributor/gun store/ lost one of these lawsuits and how much they had to pay.
With all your google combing every day, you must have a large file of NRA/SAF losses, right?
(15,333 posts)Your awkward question will, of course, be studiously ignored...