Drug Policy
Related: About this forumJoe Biden clip on drug policy
There is probably a good segment of voters who would vote for Joe if he has evolved on this issue, but there's not a lot of evidence that he has. He needs to get out in front of this issue or Sanders, Warren, pretty much the rest of the Democratic Primary candidates will hammer him on it.

True Dough
(22,164 posts)msongs
(70,765 posts)flotsam
(3,268 posts)Why, yes I would. I am also reminded he once voted against gay marriage and other "scandals". Funny how things like him more recently pushing Obama over the line in supporting gay rights are never mention to you know, paint a more complete picture. Hell-28 years ago AOC was against toilet training and afternoon naps...yet it would be an absurd criticism unless she still held those views. Instead of posting things like this why don't you post his current positions? They're still not exactly grass friendly but they are much more measured. Better still, why not wait until his first interview-this subject is bound to come up.
(3,868 posts)Because he has expressed any current positions since at least 2015 and at that time they weren't acceptable. If he has evolved he needs to not be shy.
By the way this video was published April 24, 2019.