Industrial hemp spoils the marijuana party
But...but...but...we have been told by RW'ers that it's all about "stoners" hiding their plants in feilds.

An industrial hemp producer says marijuana growers aren't happy about his ongoing trials across eastern Australia.
Hemp is grown for seeds, oil and fibre, and, while it belongs to the same species, is a different variety to the drug plant, marijuana.
Phil Warner from EcoFibre Industries says marijuana contains the psychoactive chemical TCH but hemp doesn't, and that makes his industrial hemp research unpopular.
He says drug growers are concerned that the pollen from the hemp will contaminate their high THC crops, reducing their virility.
"We've been pushed out of areas because the industrial hemp affects all of the open grown marijuana and depletes it. They don't like us because the pollen spread of the industrial hemp will invade the dope grown up in the bush at least five kilometres away."