So My Girlfriend Asked Me Tonight to Make a Posting
My girlfriend is not political at all. I only post here every so often. But tonight she asked me to post something about how angry she is, and I thought this is the place to do it. I told her tonight about the bill trying to pass in NC about marriage protection. She has NEVER been a political person at all. I am slowly changing her. We have no rights to get married whatsoever. We live in Missouri which is so closed to change it is not even funny. Her exact words were, "Why can't we get married? Everyone is so exposed to this it is not even funny. My daughter accepts my gayness, why can't everyone else? I flaunt my gayness because I know that is who I am. Why can't people just accept? It's ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. We show our love and marriage the same way straight people do, but we last longer. We may not reproduce in the ordinary fashion, but we save lives through adoption. Even if I was straight, I would feel the same way. How dare you for condemning someone for living the way they do. How dare you for condemning someone for wanting to love and live your life. And we have dumbass republicans blocking us from loving, including my parents, even though they love me. All I want to do is be love, and to be freely loved, who I choose to love. It just happens to be the same sex. Bring it." I love this woman so much.

(10,237 posts)We're going to bring mariage equality to Maine this fall come hell or high water!
(979 posts)That is a good step in the right direction.
(4,407 posts)Not the politicians that keep gay marriage from being legal, the people who blindly follow those politicians no matter fucking-what. Gay marriage is an easy thing to get said Neanderthals all riled up about, and voting for said politicians. It's like abortion: Republican pols don't give a rat's ass about it, but it's a great wedge issue to get the base marching in line regardless of all the other things Republicans will pass to fuck over their base. Gay marriage has the same value to them.
Hope that helps.
(23,156 posts)Marriage needs to be seen as a commitment between two people, irrespective of gender. She is right to flaunt her gayness, just as I flaunt my straightness. If by flaunt she simply means that she presents herself honestly to the world, and I think that's exactly what she means.
I can recall having a conversation sometime in the mid 1970's on this topic, at a time when some gay co-workers were coming out. I could not understand then why they should hide what they feel, who they love. Not sure if back then I could entirely wrap my mind around the idea of gay marriage, but that time has long since come.
(8,593 posts)I never used to be political either. I have a friend in Phoenix who I worked with for a few years and even after moving away, we've kept in touch for over 10 yrs. Well, anyway, she used to send me this right wing b.s. emails during the last election and I would try to be polite and tell her to stop with the racist emails. Then she sent me an email chain letter about how Obama was a socialist and that he had a black agenda and TEH GAYS were shoving their lifestyle down everyone's throat. And I got mad as hell about that. Forget the oh so common Obama comments, when she attacked Gay people, that blew me away. I wrote back to her and said, You call yourself a Christian? How dare you attack Gay people! WTF is wrong with you? I let her have it. I said, look as far I remember what Jesus said to Love Each Other. No. Matter. What. I said, what would you do if your son came to you and said he was Gay? Would you throw him out? Or would you Love him? Because Jesus would Love him, but not his own Mother? Never heard boo from her again.
I will defend you and yours for as long as I live. This war on women, on gays and blacks has got to stop. And NOBODY, Nobody will get away with it with me. I haven't heard from her in 3 yrs and you know what? I don't care. I don't associate with bigots and racists. If you want to be like that, then you're not my friend. And I feel no regret whatsoever.
I just wanted to give you a bit of hope. There are many like me out here and we're fighting right along side of you. In spirit. You tell your girlfriend to be patient. We have a lot of forgiving to do here and we have to make these people realize how stupid they are to discriminate you and yours truly. I am married to a man of a different race and 50 yrs ago, Loving v Loving, made it possible for me to walk beside my husband in pride. Your day will come. And I hope to Gawd, (I'm atheist) that you won't have to wait 50 yrs but maybe another 5 or so. Momentum is on your side.
Good Luck.
(2,552 posts)

"The Forgotten History of Gay Marriage"
Comment from this site: "How funny it is that the anti-gay and anti-women groups always claim their belief is from God. Too bad God does not share their belief."
(979 posts)But thank you all for the positive responses! I think I finally have her on the right path. I told her if you don't care, no one else will. I think she finally sees that. I hope that soon in the near future we can get married here in Missouri.
(4,309 posts)Nice that you are encouraging her to get more political. That is the only way things will ever change.
Marriage equality was just recently approved here in Maryland. You wouldn't believe the opposition that had to be overcome to do it.
I'm straight, but I was pretty vocal about my support for gay marriage. My parents were pretty unhappy with my views on it. I sum it up like this - Do we believe in equal rights or not?
Good luck to you an your GF. I hope you'll be able to marry soon.
Keep your GF on the "political" path!