Brad Pitt Puts His Money where His Heart Is- Supports Marriage Equality with $100k Gift
Thank You Brad

(47,992 posts)fightthegoodfightnow
(7,042 posts)....and he always has been!
(47,992 posts)pleasant to see a few, like Brad Pitt, whom one can admire & who do manifest a reasonable degree of one's more cherished ideals. These are people who, were they not so beautiful, or so favored by talent, or renown, or the kind of wealth that allows them to do big things, would be the brothers and sisters of our very own working class heroes in our daily lives.
(7,042 posts).
(17 posts)Thanks Brad!
(2,239 posts)fightthegoodfightnow
(7,042 posts)He and Angeline said they were not going to get married until Prop 9 in California was overturned..... But then they changed their minds when their kids wanted them to marry. Who could object.
Their support is invaluable. He's a great actor with a social consciousness. Reminds me of Reford!
(19,288 posts)Ally and activist.
(7,042 posts)And a darn good actor.