Protect Thy Neighbor - new project by Au / States: no right to discriminate / Relig right unhappy
Americans United
Protect Your Neighbors (Yes, All Of Them)
AUs executive director, the Rev. Barry W. Lynn, explained to reporters at the National Press Club that the new project, Protect Thy Neighbor, will defend religious freedom as its actually defined by the Constitution. Twelve days ago, the U.S. Supreme Court, in a historic ruling, declared that marriage equality must be recognized nationwide, he said. While I applaud this action by the court, Ive worked in the civil liberties field long enough to know that even a landmark ruling like this one is often far from the last word..."
Memo To State Officials: You Have No Right To Discriminate
PTN hits the ground running today with its first initiative: AUs Legal Department is releasing a memo to every state attorney general in the country as well as every county clerk in the state of Texas, reminding them that they have a legal obligation to give wedding licenses and otherwise provide service to all qualified couples, including those who are of the same sex.
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Defending Discrimination: The Religious Right Is Unhappy About Americans Uniteds New Project To End Religion-Based Refusals
This week, Americans United launched a new initiative, Protect Thy Neighbor (PTN), which is intended to stop religious zealots from using religious freedom as an excuse to discriminate against others. Unsurprisingly, those who are intent on discriminating against LGBT persons and others were none too happy about AUs announcement.