"Why the US was (sorta) founded on June 21, 1788"
225 years ago on 6/21/1788 NH became the 9th state to ratify the Constitution supplying the necessary number to put the Constitution into effect.
If you were to ask people to name the big dates in the history of our founding, most would offer the usual responses. July 4, 1776, would win hands down. A few people might venture April 18, 1775, for Paul Reveres Ride. Some (we hope many) might go for September 17, 1787, when the Constitution was signed here in Philadelphia.
But how about June 21, 1788? Although it doesnt immediately spring to mind, thats a pretty significant date in American history. It was then that New Hampshire ratified the Constitution, becoming the ninth state to do so and supplying the necessary number to put the Constitution into effect.
The ratification process is easy to take for granted; people often read about the intense debates at the Convention and assume that the document activated itself when it was signed. In fact, the ratification conventions were equally heated, and in some states like Virginia and New York, the documents supporters only succeeded by a narrow margin.
New Hampshires ratification was also interesting because the ratifying convention chose to include a list of proposed changes to the new Constitution. Several other states submitted similar suggestions. Ten of these changes would ultimately become the first 10 amendments to the Constitution the Bill of Rights we all know and love. And so, as New Hampshires ratification brought the Constitutions intervening period between signature and enactment to a close, it also helped to usher in the first set of changes to the document itself.