Related: About this forumDeath of a Pet
Pets, it turns out, also have last wishes before they die, but only known by veterinarians who put old and sick animals to sleep. Twitter user Jesse Dietrich asked a vet what was the most difficult part of his job.
The specialist answered without hesitation that it was the hardest for him to see how old or sick animals look for their owners with the eyes of their owners before going to sleep. The fact is that 90 % of owners don't want to be in a room with a dying animal. People leave so that they don't see their pet leave. But they don't realize that it's in these last moments of life that their pet needs them most.
Veterinarians ask the owners to be close to the animals until the very end. "It's inevitable that they die before you. Don't forget that you were the center of their life. Maybe they were just a part of you. But they are also your family. No matter how hard it is, don't leave them.
Don't let them die in a room with a stranger in a place they don't like. It is very painful for veterinarians to see how pets cannot find their owner during the last minutes of their life. They don't understand why the owner left them. After all, they needed their owners consolation.
Veterinarians do everything possible to ensure that animals are not so scared, but they are completely strangers to them. Don't be a coward because it's too painful for you. Think about the pet. Endure this pain for the sake of their sake. Be with them until the end. No animal should die alone.

marble falls
(63,644 posts)SheltieLover
(64,190 posts)Those folks do not deserve pets imo.
(5,472 posts)to stay in the room with your pet for some people. My father can't. He adores his cats and treats them really well but it rips him apart when they have to go. I stayed with all three of my cats when I put them down and it was really, really hard. The last one I found a home euthanasia vet and it was the best thing I ever did.
Also, a lot of vets aren't good about explaining it or helping people deal with it. The first cat I had to put down the vet was a complete dick.
(159,700 posts)Several years ago, I flew my middle child down from law school in Iowa to say goodbye to my beardie. I picked my middle child up at the airport and we drove to the vet's office. It was nice to see my bearded collie close his eyes with his head in my child's lap.
This year I sat with my oldest at the vet's office as he said goodbye to his beardie. The beardie knew that I was there and had me pet him while he had his head in my oldest child's lap. We were there for almost 2 hours before the vet gave the first shot to start the process
These pets are family members and they deserve to be with their loved ones at the end.
(19,011 posts)rsdsharp
(10,547 posts)Its among the hardest things Ive ever done, but I never considered not being there. My favorite pet died, unexpectedly, while staying at the vet overnight. That was more than 45 years ago, and it still bothers me that she died, in a cage, all alone.
Big Blue Marble
(5,560 posts)For many years and many very loved pets, I have chosen to arrange home euthanasia
and even allow the body to remain for a short time after death so that the other animals
share in the grief and loss.
To choose euthanasia is the one of hardest things we ever do. It really is easier for both
our beloved animal and for ourselves as well.
There are vets who specialize in home euthanasia and will help you know when the time
is right. I have used Lap Of Love. They have vets around the country.
(122,596 posts)furbabies being able to know, and to grieve.
As a side note, when their human dies before them, it is important for the babies to see the body, if at all possible. They will grieve, but they will not be looking for their human. I absolutely HATED the movie, "Hatchi", for that very reason.
(19 posts)is very good and they have excellent online resources on grieving, even on the effect on your other pets. The initial phone screening and counseling are very good.
We were very fortunate that one of our former vets retired and went to work for them. Along with us and two of his cat friends on his beloved screen porch, he had a familiar face taking care of him.
Big Blue Marble
(5,560 posts)Thank you for mentioning this organization and welcome to DU.
We have a wonderful Lap of Love vet in our area.who has supported
us through through three difficult deaths of beloved pets. She guided us
through the last stressful months of decline and helped us know when it was time.
We could call her any time even in the middle of the night for advice
when we were in crisis. She was with us every step of the way supporting
us with both emotional and clinical perspective making a very difficult time
a little easier.
(3,055 posts)My only hope is that when it's my turn to cross, they'll all be waiting for me on the other side. It won't be heaven without them. I don't care what anybody says.
(7,688 posts) including the rescues that couldnt make it.
The connection was real. Ive never regretted it, not once.
rockbluff botanist
(360 posts)I have discussed this with everyone I know who has a pet. You have to comfort your baby. I have had to let go dozens of my babies over my life. Horses, cats, dogs, cows and goats.
My vets are truly selfless and kind. They nurture the beloved pet and the devastated parent. I wanted to be a vet, but ended up a biologist because I just didn't think I could end a life even when there was no recourse.
(122,596 posts)furchildren down. They used the same mobile vet (two different events), one of the most compassionate and caring human beings my friends had ever met. Their precious babies were held close in their arms as they took their last breaths, being told how much they were loved. Both said it was one of the most profound experiences of their lives.
During covid, another friend's dog was clearly ready to go, but my friend was freaked. Because of covid, she would not be able to be with her dog, which would have been unbearable. Prayers were answered, her beloved companion passed peacefully in her arms at home.
All of my previous babies died in my arms, at home, knowing they were, and are, loved.
(8,178 posts)I have avoided this group because I just have no coping skills when it comes to pet illnes/end.
And yet, I am there right now so forced myself here.
I held my last dog as she went. I will do it again. It will break me for months if not years. It is the worst part of life.
(17,924 posts)we know it won't be too long...the entire family will be there with him. They all want to.
(137 posts)We took him to our vet yesterday because he had become increasingly lethargic in addition to a waning appetite. She took an x-ray of his abdomen which revealed a massive tumor on his liver. There is nothing that can be done for him except making sure hes comfortable and showering him with love. Weve had Beauregard, a sweet little cockapoo, for over 13 years and will miss him deeply.
(1,016 posts)Stanley Mousedragon put his head up to rub my chin just before the end. I loved each of my cats and was there for the end. Loved those guys.
My husband couldn't bear to do it.