Related: About this forumIn memoriam: Cece
Born: Sometime in 2012
Scheduled for in-home euthanasia today around 12:30pm PST
If it fitz, I sitz:
With my brudder from anudder mudder:
Iz finished with dis:
Found him in catio, did u want?
I don't always use dis thing, but when I do I look cool:
Dis corner mine:
Not sure what happenin heer but don't like:
Deep thoughtz:
What moar u needz?
Put 'em up:
U can't see me but I can see u:
Moar birdz:
A feather!
Ready for my close-up
Warm towelz:
Chillin' outside bedroom window:
Lookin' down on u:
Halloween Schmalloween:
Paint me like your French kittehs:
Serious look:
Dis guy likes nutz.. he's a bit nutty but ok:
I got dis hooman wrapped around my little paw:
New friend... will teach da roapz:
Iz content:
Dis comfy too:
Safe from everything but hooman camera phoan:
Leaving us way too soon... RIP Cece, we love you.

(38,622 posts)

(26,331 posts)
(708 posts)Go peacefully and with love.
I'm so sorry, BW. It's the hardest decision ever.
(4,111 posts)So sorry for your loss. It is so hard when that time comes.
R.I.P. Cece
(853 posts)Will keep you and Cece in my thoughts.
(1,872 posts)Her personality comes out in this photo remembrance.
So sorry for your loss.
(236 posts)🙏
(5,835 posts)Cece is loved and pampered, as all pets should be. Letting go is a selfless act of love.
While it's sad to know another beloved pet will soon be gone, viewing your tribute helps me prepare, once more, for the inevitable choice about an elderly pet. Thanks for sharing your photo memories. She's a beautiful girl.
(18,141 posts)FoxNewsSucks
(11,003 posts)I'm so sorry
(204 posts)So sorry it's time to say farewell.
Oopsie Daisy
(5,428 posts)I'm sorry that this is happening. I know-well this pain, and feeling of guilt, too. --- But it's easy to see how well cared-for she was, and how much she was loved.
(64,160 posts)May you cross gently, Cece.
Comforting vibes on the way to you both as you prepare to help Cece to the Bridge.
(5,199 posts)May Cece pass easily to the next life.
(786 posts)So deeply sorry for this, but thanks for posting these terrific photos of the joyous and content life you provided. Cece will see you on the other side.
(54,661 posts)the sweet photos and captions.
I lost two kittehs about her age to cancer. Even with the best of care, even if they're still playing like kittens, they're senior kitties, their health more vulnerable.
And you have her heart, and always will have.
She'll be healthy and young again the instant she crosses, and you will see her again.
(10,453 posts)well-loved and she knew it! Bless you for giving her such a wonderful life.
(314 posts)It's the greatest gift we can give to our beloved companions. I always feel so honored to be able to be with them, comfort them, help them not to be frightened.
Person of Interest
(375 posts)I know the pain of losing close cat friends. You have my heart felt sympathies.
Fla Dem
(26,342 posts)

(43,476 posts)
(15,725 posts)I am so sorry for your loss.
(122,596 posts)Thank you for sharing a bit of her life with us in those wonderful photos. I have to tell you, a couple of them just cracked me up!
Holding you all in love and light. Your DU family is here for you.
(54,460 posts)AllaN01Bear
(24,158 posts)
(394 posts)Im so sorry. It is so hard to let them go.
(13,813 posts)Cece was a wild girl and a funny girl and a content girl and a GORGEOUS girl, no matter the time of day or night!
Safe travels, Cece ❤️ well miss you awfully
Sending much love and heartfelt condolences
(36,594 posts)

(159,670 posts)It is hard to say goodbye to a family member
(24,437 posts)So hard to let go of our fur kids. Cece knew you loved her.
(23,943 posts)LoisB
(9,612 posts)Niagara
(10,299 posts)

(162,406 posts)
Grieve not
nor speak of me with tears
but laugh and talk of me
as if I were beside you
I loved you so
twas Heaven here with you
- Isla Paschal Richardson