Related: About this forumI love my vet but his new appointment process is frustrating
For decades it was a 'drop in' only, except for surgeries. I'd get to the parking lot about 20 minutes before they open.
Now it's by appointment but the process is this: You check in via their website and register. Sounds easy? Well, they open at 8 and registration doesn't open until 7:50. And it's just the day's schedule. No making appointments for the next day or week.
Fortunately I live about 5 minutes away so I can get my registration done, hopefully for 8 or close to, and be ready to head out the door. Since a lot of people are probably up north for a 4 day weekend, I should be able to get her in SOMETIME today. They are open until noon, tomorrow, but I worry that will be too late.
This is for a sweet feral kitten that was rejected by the mom. She's the last of 3 sisters and isn't doing well. I think it's the horrific flea situation. I've been up for 2 nights with her. I've given her a de wormer and gotten her bathed and cleaned of fleas (it was horrible) but she's VERY lethargic and has little appetite. I have been able to give her water, a little Pedialyte and replacement milk and she has licked a little pate off of my finger. She did pee last night and she can still get around but just short bumbles.
I'm being realistic about the outcome of this visit but that she's lasted this long gives me a sliver of hope.
Yes, I have a savior complex.

(853 posts)Thank you for all you are doing for Tegwen, you are so kind! Hopefully you can get in quickly at your vet's office and your vet can help Tegwen feel better. Hugs to you both.
(27,461 posts)She and her sisters were born just as the problem was really exploding. Her chances are guarded, at best, but if I can get her through the next 2 days, she might pull through. The vet, whose facial expression told me all I need to know about how dire this situation is, put it this way: There's no coming back from euthanasia and he agreed it's worth trying to save her.
She got a subcutaneous rehydration, dextrose, antibiotics and eye drops. I have antibiotics to give her. I have to keep her warm, hydrated/fed and away from fleas so she's going to be staying in the bathroom on a heating pad. And, of course, I'll be cuddling her as often as I can.
She is pretty active, right now. In fact more active than she's been in 2 days. She's a tough little girl so if anyone can recover, it's going to be her.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't emotionally preparing myself for a sad outcome, though.
(9,805 posts)Hed been dipped but the damage was done. Vet said adults can survive flea anemia but kittens usually cant. Prayers for your fur baby. The rescue have me a free kitten after Vinnie died. That one was my very beloved Freddie, the best cat ever.
(27,461 posts)She's a fighter, that's for sure. I have her right with me because I'm obsessed with making sure that she's breathing. I am getting her to take some replacement milk, water and small doses of Pedialyte. Next I'll see if she will try some pate. She's sleeping a lot but will wake up and it's obvious she
just wants to get back to being a kitten. Unfortunately she doesn't quite have the strength.
I was thrilled to see that she finally produced a normal poo, even if it did get stuck in her tail hair. It wasn't any easier to clean up than what she was producing earlier but at least it was solid.
Tonight will probably be the turning point, one way or the other. If she doesn't show improvement I'll continue to keep her comfortable but not give up on her. I will start the process of mentally preparing myself for another loss.
Progressive dog
(7,428 posts)If I call my vet in off hours the recorded message gives the number of the nearest emergency vet. When my last dog had a twisted stomach, the emergency vet operated and for several days (while dog was on IV) my wife or I drove the dog to the emergency vets in the evening and back to our regular vet in the morning.
(27,461 posts)I'm so sleep deprived I'm surprised I could find my way home.
(95,921 posts)
She's settled in the bathtub and on a heating pad. I'll be checking on her CONSTANTLY. Tonight I'll take her with me to the guest room that's been shut so it should be fairly flea free. (I notice that I'm bringing them in on my clothes!! It's a horrible infestation this year because we didn't get a deep or substantial freeze over the Winter.)
I was going to mow the lawn but I think it's more important for me to work on getting rid of any fleas that are hanging around so I'm going to start by deep cleaning the den, which is where they seem to be. And hope to get some sleep.
(95,921 posts)Pennyroyal, a mint I can't use so I can't say if it works, is said to chase off fleas. I've seen homemade flea collars that use it. Also for upholstered furniture, placing bay leaf under the cushions helps with that also. I have used the bay leaf thing but I can;t say for certain that it works but it seemed to.
(122,596 posts)Thank Gooddess you DO have a saviour complex, otherwise known as being a loving, caring, kind being. Think of all the ones you HAVE rescued, who now have wonderful lives. And know that, even for those you were not able to save, their last hours/moments were filled with love and warmth and safety.
All blessings, and know we are here for you and all your furbabies.
(27,461 posts)She is such a sweet little girl.
I have an indoor blink camera and I'm going to set it up on the tub so I can keep an eye on her.
Polly Hennessey
(7,733 posts)I am hoping she will be become a member of our DU family. She is truly blessed to have you.
(19,715 posts)Good luck snd keep us posted!
(853 posts)We lived in Maryland for a year and although our cats were indoor only we somehow brought in fleas. When we got back to Missouri we found a company called Fleabusters that came to our house and used a Borate (Borax) product on our carpet. Took care of the problem in the house that we fought for months in Maryland (1991-1992). Did it yearly for a few years then stopped. We didn't have a flea problem for years until a year before my Seb died, (2021). Called the vet and she prescribed one of the products that you can put on their skin, (can't remember what it was, sorry! Will ask my husband.) and Fleabusters RX powder. I wouldn't have used the skin product usually, but Seb had developed severe spine problems and was unable to scratch properly and was miserable. You can buy the Fleabusters powder online, Chewy and Amazon carry it, but our vet sold it and it worked great. You can use it with area rugs and hardwood floors, too. You can't breathe it in directly so you'd have to use a face mask, gloves, etc. If your vet carries it they can tell you how to apply it safely. I'm very cautious about using any chemicals around our animal companions. My vet uses it in her own home around her animal companions and her human kids--and she's very cautious, too. I can tell you I preferred using the Fleabusters service, . It was easier and I knew that it was applied properly. They would also come back out again and reapply if the fleas weren't gone quickly, (never had to do that.) It was still during Covid when Seb got the fleas, and we decided against having someone come in. The alternative is to vacuum every single day, and take the vacuum bag out to the garbage every day. You have vacuum everywhere, furniture, mattresses--basically anything that the fleas can infest. We did both, vacuumed daily and used the Fleabusters. Our Sebbie had to be comfortable! The Fleabusters company can tell you if they are in your area, They have a nematode service for your yard. Can't recommend that because we've never used it. Not saying it isn't good, just don't know about it because our cats were indoor only. Maybe someone else can tell you if it works.
The main thing in my humble opinion for Tegwen is to insure she stays flea free until she's old enough that an infestation isn't a problem. Not saying I know best, your vet is the expert. If nothing else call your vet and ask about the Fleabusters, and take his informed advice.
You don't need this on top of everything else, Siwsan. Wish I was close enough to help. Hugs to you and your furkids!
(27,461 posts)If I can't get the outside problem under control, it will be a continuing issue everywhere. I will look in to that, though. Thanks. d
I know there are things you can use on lawns but I'm not sure how effective they are. We are just having a horrible flea year because we had such a mild Winter.
Little Tegwen is still fighting the good fight but I'm not optimistic she will be here in the morning.
(853 posts)Again, I don't know anything about that side of things, but Fleabusters offers a nematode treatment for your yard. Supposed to be natural, but I've never done that because the Fleabusters powder inside the house we used worked. Couldn't even tell you what a nematode is. Not trying to say that's the only solution, either. Don't even know if treating your yard really works. I'm always worried about using anything with too many chemicals, though. Feel like we pollute our environment enough already. The only thing I know is what I have done in the past. This borate powder works and supposed to be safer. (I'm not affiliated with Fleabusters, I promise! I will also say that now that I've stuck my neck out to recommend something that I'll worry forever that in a few years they'll discover that borate powder causes cancer or something--and I've killed someone with my bad advice!)
I'm so sorry that you and Tegwen are going through this, Siwsan. Wish I could help. I finally joined this forum because people here really care about each other. There are a few times I've read people's disagreements on DU, but people here are kind to each other, and try to be of use to each other instead of tearing each other down. The Admin has great safeguards in place to protect everyone, (thank you, Admin!) I lurked a long time on DU before deciding to participate in a forum again because of the horrible flame wars and just downright ugliness I saw on other forums. Broke my heart.
Also would like for you to have a cosmic "win" right now, Siwsan. You've been through so much and you put so much of your heart into your kidcats. Will be thinking of you, Tegwen, and your indoor and outdoor kidcats. Hugs!
P.S. Just asked my husband and unfortunately he can't remember what skin flea treatment the vet prescribed Seb either. I got rid of all the paperwork on Seb last December, so can't look it up. Don't know how long they keep paperwork on animals at our vet's, so not sure they would even have Seb on file anymore. Was nearly two years ago, Seb died. You probably couldn't use the flea treatment on a kitten anyway. Sorry again I can't help.