Related: About this forum'See Ya Later, Suckas!' The Obituary of a 5-Year-Old Boy in His Own Words
*Later, when the cancer moved to his spinal cord and Garrett became paralyzed, he thought of his grandfathers comfort during a recent visit.
Garrett looks at me and says, Grandpa, come sit in this chair, it will be more comfortable for you, Mr. Krueger said.
Building the boat for Garretts funeral was the least he could do.'

(17,220 posts)What a sad and yet beautiful story about a short life of a sweet soul.....
Cancer is awful and he had such a horrible and painful variation....
Very touched by this story and the family around him....
(138,724 posts)Anon-C
(3,440 posts)COLGATE4
(14,859 posts)and reading this shook me to my core.
(14,308 posts)And meet our death with that much dignity.
Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go stuff my face in a pillow for a minute or two....
(15,470 posts)Garrett Michael Matthias
AKA The Great Garrett Underpants
3/26/13 7/6/18
My name is: Garrett Michael Boofias
My birthday is: I am 5 years old
My address is: I am a Bulldog!
My favorite color is: Blue .and Red and Black and Green
My favorite superhero is: Batman and Thor, Iron Man, the Hulk and Cyborg
When I grow up: Im going to be a professional boxer
My favorite people are:
Mommy, Daddy, my sister Delcina (Delphina),
The grandparents with the new house (Fredric and Cheryl Krueger),
The grandparents with the camper (Daniel and Nita Matthias),
My cousins: Grady, that guy I took down that one time (Luke), and London Marie,
My Auntie Janette and Stinky Uncle Andy (Andrew and Janette Krueger),
Those two guys, you know, my uncles (Kristopfer Krueger and James Taylor)
more at link above