Related: About this forumAnybody know about growing mushrooms?
I got a kit that consisted of a brick of what looks like compressed sawdust with white paint on it. Followed directions and harvested about 4 oz of oyster mushrooms but this isn't cheap--$15 for the 'kit'.
Liquid spores can be had for a few $ but I need to come up with my own growing medium. Google searches don't do much for instructions and there is a heavy emphasis on sterilizing everything.
Sterilizing? They grow wild in the woods fer crissake.
Any help appreciated or links to good beginner's books.

(2,388 posts)But the sterilizing is pretty important as you may have spores in there from all sorts of different mushrooms and/or toadstools. Some of them are pretty toxic and can cause a lot of problems pretty quickly..
blue sky at night
(3,310 posts)gibraltar72
(7,629 posts)lastlib
(25,497 posts)I would be tending my morel crop in the basement....
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Buzz cook
(2,689 posts)That nd agar are what a friend used to grow suspect mushrooms in the seventies.
Your mushrooms will produce spores if you let open fully.
(4,128 posts)I took a three day course w FungiPerfecti the you saw posted above.
Oyster mushrooms can grow on Wheat Straw, Wood chips and cardboard scraps. you can propagate it on wet delaminated cardboard (just the wavy parts). Straw can be bathed in 0.3% hydrogen peroxide, pool peroxide diluted 100x, like a tea bag.
The big challenge is you won't know how clean your house and area are until you try.
Next time you try a kit, you can then transfer some of that myceleum over to fresh medium. the idea with bed culture is you keep slowly expanding the beds for awhile, until you have them to the scale you want.
The other challenge to outdoor culture is to be able to identify your target mushroom from wild ones. if you at least stick to the pleutoris family they are all non toxic but many are inedible. the actual proper gourmet oyster mushrooms are very tasty.
(1,200 posts)just have Fox News on for them all the time and a bit of AM talk radio. That ought to do it.