Weight Loss/Maintenance
Related: About this forumLow Carb has been life changing to me......
Almost back to my High School weight.
Never hungry.
first 2 weeks I was < 20 carbs a day, now 40.
Only exercise is walking 10,000 steps a day. Started at 5,000. Then 7,500.
Read a book called "Why we get fat and what to do about it" by Gary Taubes.
Just an FYI for people who want to look into it.

Lisa D
(1,532 posts)My acid reflux completely disappeared after I went low carb.
(22,457 posts)artislife
(9,497 posts)I was pet sitting and found it in their library. I read it in the time I spent there.
Gearing myself up to let go of wheat mainly again. All the other carbs will be a piece of ....cake! heh.
get the red out
(13,696 posts)I did what I thought I would never do back in July, stopped eating sugar and wheat. Then I went farther with cutting out more carbs since I had watched 70 lbs literally melt off a co-worker. I have lost 28 lbs and am just back into my healthy weight range. If I lose a bit more it doesn't bother me one bit.
My question is, has anyone had any cholesterol problems with going higher protein and fat, and much lower carb? I have had high cholesterol no matter what my weight and I have exercised regularly whether bigger or smaller. I will see my Dr again in November (he did the same thing to lose weight, btw, and it worked for him too).
Thus far, I couldn't be any happier with a lifestyle change. I no longer feel hungry all day eating more and more sugar in an endless cycle.
(22,457 posts)I saw my GP after 3 months and she cut my cholestrol meds in half as my choestrol was below normal. I see her in another month and bet she drops that drug.
get the red out
(13,696 posts)I would be so happy with similar results. I don't like being on Statins, it seems to effect my memory negatively.
(22,457 posts)Never hungry and weight drops off. Glad it worked for you also!
(19,486 posts)While working it into my Weight Watchers plan with a variety of veggies, lean protiens, healthy fats, plenty of exercise.
As far as Cholesterol levels, there is only so much diet and exercise can do. The rest is generated by heridity and hormones. My LDL is 134, which is high for me, but my HDL is 87, Triglycerides at 70. Which means despite the higher LDL reading, I am not on Statens. Though High Cholesterol runs in my family, my healthier lifestyle is keeping me off medications. Also with having had a complete Hysterectomy in 2007, I lack the Estrogen needed to keep my LDL down.
What keeps us satisfied between meals and stabilize blood sugar levels is the quality of the protien and carbs. Not all carbs are bad, same with fats. With carbs, it is knowing the difference between them and how long it takes for them to be digested and utilized. Empty carbs like processed flours, sugars, white rice, bread, pastas, get used up quickly, causing sugar spikes or drops. What is not used, gets stored as fat. Brown Rice, whole grains, and yams are actually good carbs eaten in moderation because they also contain fiber and thus break down more slowly.
As for Protien, Chicken, Fish, and Turkey give you more bang for the buck. They contain the lowest amounts of Saturated fats per ounce, and contain higher levels of Omega 3 fats. Beef, Pork and Lamb are higher in Saturated fats, and thus be eaten in moderation, with fat trimmed.
As for Fats, they are not the enemy per se if you know which ones to injest. Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the healthiest. I am still cautious about Coconut Oil, which is a Palm Kernel Oil that is high in Saturated fats. Like Butter, I use that too in moderation.
The purpose of eating low carb, is to force the body to use up its fat stores for energy, rather than storing more fat through eating empty carbs like pastries, processed foods, etc. Not all calories are equal either. There are 9 calories per gram of Fat. 4 calories per gram of Carbs and Protiens. If one is Diabetic, the amount of Carbs and the quality of that Carbohydrate is of the utmost importance. Being healthy, eating healthy, and living healthy is more than just about weight loss and keeping it off.
Lifelong Protester
(8,421 posts)I'm interested, but don't eat meat.
(22,457 posts)Bigredhunk
(1,482 posts)I don't think he talks about vegetarianism in low carb dieting. But this book does, and it's another big seller which is well-reviewed. There's a whole section on vegetarians & vegans being able to low carb (it's more difficult, of course - there just aren't as many food options).
(736 posts)it really works but then I realized I'm killing the planet so I was looking for a vegetarian diet to lose weight and can't find it
(769 posts)Logical
(22,457 posts)Wolverine23
(22 posts)That's great! I've tried it before but felt so sluggish. May have to get back on it.
(22,457 posts)ProudMNDemocrat
(19,486 posts)So low carb works for the both of us, as my husband is Diabetic and I am Lactose intolerant and Gluten intolerant. Combined with the Weight Watchers program, I am able to help control the amount of higher denisity carb foods we eat. Rice, rice pastas, breads, potatoes, are eaten in limited amounts. That helps my husband monitor his insulin intake and keep his Blood Sugar levels consistent. So low carb is best for the both of us.
I eat a lot of low glycemic vegetables that fill me up and give me plenty of fuel. We eat lean protiens. We watch the fats like butter because my husband also has High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, and Heart Disease. We use Organic Extra Virgin Olive oil whnever possible.
The body needs some carbs. It is the quality and amounts that count.
(17 posts)Yes, low carb diet is an excellent choice. It helped me to lose weight and feel better. https://www.tipweightlossdiet.com/what-is-best-low-carb-diet-plans-recipes-for-weight-loss-results/ - some tips for those who want to try.
(83 posts)Low carb diet can also help control cholesterol numbers.